
YouTube Again Rolls Out Widely Disliked Redesign

After first appearing earlier this year, YouTube appears to once again be rolling out a new redesign of its website that everyone hates.

In mid-April, Google began testing a redesign of YouTube’s website that moved the video title, description, and comments to the side of the screen. In their place, video recommendations have been moved directly below the viewed video with much larger thumbnails and titles.

The change was widely disliked by almost everyone who got it, but it wasn’t visible to all users. In the weeks that followed, YouTube rolled back the redesign.

Now, the YouTube redesign is back.

As many users have noticed, YouTube has started rolling out this redesign again. The new look has emerged in recent days, although it doesn’t appear to be a large-scale rollout. It seems rather that this is still a test more than anything else.

What does this second attempt mean?

It’s still unclear whether YouTube intends to make this new look the default experience, but a second round of testing certainly means more data is collected.

Notably, some pointed out tweets like this one from YouTube regarding the new layout in which YouTube says it’s just an “experiment.” However, these largely appear to be standardized responses, rather than specific to the individual situation. So while it’s probably true that this design is just an experiment, it doesn’t give any idea of ​​what YouTube intends to do with the new design in the future. In a response, YouTube states that most experiments “only last a few weeks,” which may or may not also apply to this particular situation.

What do you think of YouTube’s new design? Let us know in the comments below.

Image: Artem Russakovskii on Twitter/X

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