
Woman Who Underwent LASIK Eye Surgery Receives Stern Warning About High-Risk Procedure

A TikTok star has urged viewers not to get laser eye surgery, saying it was the “worst mistake of my life”.

Jess Shields said the procedure, known as LASIK surgery, left her with permanent problems such as daily eye pain, floaters and dryness.

The personal trainer underwent the procedure in 2022 and claimed doctors were surprised by how long his side effects lasted after telling him everything had “gone really well”.

“If I can make somebody think twice before they do it, that’s what I’m here for,” Shields said.

LASIK is a type of surgery used to treat nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism, according to the Lasik Vision Institute. This is a standard procedure that a surgeon can perform in five to fifteen minutes.

Jess Shields recounted the events and results of her 2022 LASIK eye surgery in a TikTok video earlier this week, and recommended viewers not to undergo the procedure.

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Shields revealed in her July 12 video that a doctor called her a “perfect candidate” for routine eye surgery.

She said the doctor told her about side effects such as dry eyes, but also told her that these effects would “go away.”

“They really made it seem like it’s rare to have problems afterward… Almost everyone I’ve talked to who’s had LASIK has a lot of problems,” Shields said.

She added that she can still live her daily life, but her eye problems are sometimes “quite visible.”

“Floaters can be very frustrating. I can’t look at anything bright without having floaters coming across my eyes,” she said.

Other ongoing problems she claimed to have from LASIK were chronic headaches and eye cysts.

Shields said her doctor said the cysts weren’t from LASIK, but she believes otherwise.

The TikTok user then revealed that after more than two years, her eyes were “not good anymore” and she would likely need to wear glasses again.

She added that her “horribly dry” eyes prevented her from wearing contact lenses.

“If you want to do it for convenience, don’t do it. It really reduced my quality of life by 20 percent,” Shields said of her LASIK eye surgery experience.

LASIK surgery is performed on the front layer of the eye and a laser is used to reshape the cornea

Once a doctor determines whether his or her patient is a good candidate for surgery, he or she measures the eyes and performs diagnostic tests to ensure the surgeon has accurate information.

Doctors also measure dry eyes and the ability to notice differences in the shades and patterns of objects.

The operation is relatively painless, but patients may feel eye pressure several times.

Ophthalmologist Vicente Diaz, MD, told Forbes earlier this year: “Immediately after surgery, the person usually sees better without glasses than ever before.”

Patients who undergo LASIK eye surgery typically have a quick recovery time, but they may experience dry eyes, halos around the eyes, puffy eyelids and sensitivity to light, according to Verywell Health.

Most are able to get back on their feet to work or drive within 24 to 48 hours after surgery.

LASIK eye surgery can sometimes take up to six months for a patient’s eyes to fully heal.

According to Shields, a doctor called her a “perfect candidate” for LASIK eye surgery and the procedure was a success.
LASIK is a type of eye surgery used to treat nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism.

The operation can also cause dry eyes, permanent vision loss and irreversible blindness, although these effects are rare.

However, 92 to 98% of patients are satisfied with LASIK eye surgery, and its complication rate is less than 1%.

Another surgical procedure that patients with vision problems might consider is photorefractive keratectomy (PRK), which Shields recommends for anyone looking to improve their eyesight.

PRK is a similar corrective eye surgery where surgeons choose not to create a flap in the cornea.

PRK is also a quick procedure that takes less than 30 minutes. It has a high success rate and a lower risk of complications.

However, a patient who chooses PRK surgery will have a longer recovery and will likely experience eye discomfort for a longer period of time.

Other options that may improve vision are small incision lens extraction (SMILE) or intraocular lens (IOL) procedures.

TikTok users discussed their own LASIK surgery stories involving themselves or their family members in Shields’ video comments section.

“My ex-husband had a botched LASIK procedure. It was horrible until he was able to get LASIK topography correction,” wrote one TikTok user.

Another person commented: “I had LASIK and regretted it. My eyes are dry and it’s horrible. Before, I didn’t know I had eyes; it was just bad vision. Now I’m constantly reminded that my eyes are uncomfortable, especially throughout the day.”

But others were much more positive.

“I had chronic dry eyes for 10 years after LASIK, then it went away,” wrote one TikToker.

“So there is hope, but I know it seems like a very long time.”

News Source :
Gn Health

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