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Woman Considered Massachusetts’ Last Living ‘Rosie the Riveter’ Honored at State House

Local News

Margaret Spalluzzi, 102, of Kingston, worked as a welder at the Hingham Shipyard during World War II.

Margaret Spalluzzi celebrated her 100th birthday in style during a ceremony at the Hingham Naval Shipyard recognizing her service to the country during World War II as a welder building warships. (Joshua Ross)

A Kingston centenarian recently received the Congressional Medal of Honor at the Massachusetts State House for her inspiring role as a trailblazer for women.

Margaret Spalluzzi, 102, is considered the last surviving “Rosie the Riveter” from Massachusetts – or more precisely “Wendy the Welder” – having worked as a welder at the Hingham Naval Shipyard during World War II, from 1942 to 1945.

Margaret Spalluzzi (far left, displaying a V for victory) worked as a welder at the Hingham Naval Shipyard during World War II, and on her 100th birthday, her service as “Rosie the Riveter » was recognized during a ceremony at the shipyard. (Margaret Spalluzzi)

“I wanted to become a welder, I don’t know why. I just thought, ‘Oh, I want to do that.’ I wanted to help my country, on the one hand…and I thought I would like to have that experience,” Spalluzzi said in an interview with the National Park Service.

Spalluzzi said she was grateful to lend a hand while her husband Tony worked at the Charlestown Navy Yard and during his deployment overseas.

“I just loved going there. I knew I was doing something to help my country,” she said. “Without this, what would I have done for my country? It gave me a chance.

Spalluzzi said she didn’t remember her pay rate, but that check was for $200. “But I can’t tell you how many hours I worked for that check,” she said, adding, “But with my first check, I bought my mother a radio.”

On Thursday, State Rep. Kathy LaNatra presented him with the prestigious medal during a ceremony on Beacon Hill attended by state and military leaders.

On the X platform, state Rep. Dylan Fernandes posted a photo of Spalluzzi with a celebratory cake with the iconic “We Can Do It!” » phrase and an image of Rosie the Riveter.

“At the State House (Thursday), Margaret Spalluzzi – a #Kingston resident and MA’s last living Rosie the Riveter – was honored with a Congressional Gold Medal ceremony. We owe him a huge debt of gratitude,” Fernandes wrote on X.

According to WHDH, Spalluzzi was invited to a White House ceremony in April, but was unable to attend.


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