Woman attacked and two men robbed in New York’s Central Park in two days

A third shocking attack occurred in Central Park in just two days – as three young teenagers attempted to rob a man at gunpoint Friday night, cops said.

In the latest attack, the armed assailants — who appeared to be 14 or 15 years old — approached a 25-year-old man and told him to hand over his iPhone 11 around 10:12 p.m. at 110th Street and East Drive, said indicated the police. .

The teens fled without any of the man’s belongings, police said.

A third shocking attack took place in Central Park in just two days. James Messerschmidt

The most recent armed assault follows a woman who was sexually assaulted in the park at West 97 Street and West Drive, and a man who was approached Friday morning by a trio armed with weapons while taking photos of the lake inside the iconic green space at East 59th Street and East Drive, cops said.

One of the robbers pointed a gun at the 41-year-old man’s head while the other two both punched him in the face, police said.

They then stole an iPhone 8, an iPhone 13 and a wallet before leaving on a moped on a cycle path, police said.

During the sexual assault, the pervert threw himself on the woman around 7:20 p.m. Thursday, grabbing her by the arm and demanding: “Give me your phone, give me your wallet, give me sex,” they said. authorities said.

He then punched her in the face and knocked her to the ground, fleeing with her iPhone 11, police said.

He rubbed the woman’s chest with his arm and told her, “I want to have sex with you,” police sources said.

Three young teenagers attempted to rob a man at gunpoint Friday evening, police said. James Messerschmidt
The most recent armed attack follows a woman who was sexually assaulted in the park at West 97 Street and West Drive, and a man who was approached Friday morning. James Messerschmidt

The brute who was described as 5 feet 9 inches tall with short, curly black hair, dressed in black, took off and was not caught, cops said.

The woman refused medical treatment.

It was unclear whether any of the attacks were related and investigators were scouring the park for videos, officers said.

New York Post

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