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Windows Phone-like desktop mode for Android reported by Google not happening (updated)

Updated May 16: Google has since confirmed to the original source of this report that this was simply a proof of concept and a bit of fun. Which is sad. Original post below.

What do you want to know

  • Remember Windows Phone Continuum? A recent report suggests that Google is trying to do the same (finally) with Android.
  • The report suggests that Google is experimenting with using ChromeOS to act as a desktop interface when connecting an Android device to an external display.
  • Much like Continuum (RIP), this could be a huge step in the workplace or while traveling, even for Microsoft users.

Spoiler alert: I love Chromebooks. I also love Android, in fact, it was while working on our sister site, Android Central, that I got my first break into the industry. However, Windows Phone hung on, and the rest is history. So imagine how much I smiled when a recent report shows, Againhow far ahead of his time our fallen favorite was.

Android Authority’s Mishaal Rahman detailed an internal experiment at Google that would leverage ChromeOS (of sorts) to act as a desktop environment when a Pixel phone is connected to a display.

News Source : www.windowscentral.com
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