
Will they do it or not? Unpacking the eternal question of television

Ayo Edebiri et Jeremy Allen White dans la deuxième saison de <em>The bear</em>.’/></p><p>Jim and Pam.  Mulder and Scully.  Janine and Gregory.  Carmy and Sydney.  Meredith and McDreamy.  You know how it goes: two TV characters with obvious chemistry who fight or stare longingly at each other.  You know there’s only one question: will they or won’t they?  Today we’re breaking down the different types of will-they-won’t-they couples and discussing some of TV’s best and worst couples, including <em>Abbott Elementary School</em>, <em>The bear</em>, <em>Cheers</em>, <em>Grey’s Anatomy</em>, <em>Dawson Creek</em>and more.</p><p>(Image credit: Chuck Hodes)</p><p><img data-lazyloaded="1" src="" decoding="async" data-src="https://media.npr.org/include/images/tracking/npr-rss-pixel.png?story=1197965369" /></p><p>Entertainment</p><div class=

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