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Why Vaginal Makeovers Are Booming: The Five Treatments You NEED to Know About If You’re Over 40

Last week I found myself chatting about lips over lunch with a beauty PR in Mayfair – it’s not a subject I usually venture into. But “vaginal health and wellness” is such a hot topic among over-40s that I bet you’ll soon be like me.

Blame it on menopausal women who no longer suffer in silence and who find ways to compensate for the multiple debilitating consequences of their stage of life.

Or point out the dawning awareness that non-surgical “adjustments” designed to counteract collagen loss in the face can translate quite seamlessly to your nether regions. Either way, the truth is out there – and the “downstairs” makeover is upon us.

A level of urinary incontinence, lack of lubrication, burning, itching, and even discomfort when sitting can all be a part of life as we age and/or go through menopause.

The reality is that age and menopause cause a loss of hydrating, plumping, and supportive collagen in the vulvovaginal area, leading to more problems than your mother ever told you. A level of urinary incontinence, lack of lubrication, burning, itching and even discomfort when sitting (due to, wait for it, labia atrophy) can all, to a greater or lesser extent, be part of the life.

Pregnancy, on the other hand, can damage the bladder nerves, pelvic muscles and supporting vaginal tissues, leading to more bladder leakage.

And the good news? You no longer have to put up with it “because it’s natural.”

“My patients want to take control of their bodies,” says Galyna Selezneva (on drritarakus.co.uk), a cosmetic doctor with training in gynecology who has become the go-to “vagina whisperer” for London’s affluent.

She noticed a tendency among women to reinvent themselves after childbirth or during menopause, divorce, the death of a partner, an empty nest – “steps that change life but are not necessarily the end of life as you know it.” .

Selezneva, whose vaginal adjustment clientele is split between “60 percent in their 50s and 60s, 20 percent over 70, and the remaining 20 percent in their 40s or so,” estimates that its bookings have increased over the past two years. “by about two thirds”.

She says women now bring up the subject unprompted and talk about function and strength rather than aesthetics, which used to be the main driver for “down there” procedures.

Her sentiments are echoed by consultant gynecologist Miss Tania Adib (adib.org.uk).

“I’ve noticed a significant increase in women wanting vaginal laser, injectables, and other regenerative treatments,” she says. “They do it for themselves: they want to feel good, look good, and enjoy the benefits of improved feeling that often comes with it.”

The options menu is confusing and looks terrifying. As with facial touch-ups, most procedures rely on stimulating cell regeneration through heat or injection of substances.

Not surprisingly, in some cases, local anesthesia is necessary to complete the procedure, although none require recovery time. Needless to say, you want to look for a doctor who is very experienced and knowledgeable in gynecology.

As for your modesty, try to forget it completely. I suggest you check your doctor’s bedside manner in advance: you’ll want it to be excellent.

These are the five most popular and effective V-tunings.

Inge van Lotringen discovers the most popular and effective vaginal “adjustments”.

Inge van Lotringen discovers the most popular and effective vaginal “adjustments”.

For a toned vagina, sit back and relax

Emsella High Intensity Electromagnetic Muscle Stimulation (Dr Selezneva of the Rita Rakus Clinic, Knightsbridge, drritarakus.co.uk)

What is this? Kegel exercises are the gold standard for strengthening pelvic floor muscles that no longer effectively control the urge to pee, and this machine, which is essentially a chair, delivers the equivalent of 11,000 muscle contractions in half a -hour. The best thing? You just sit on it, fully dressed.

What happens? The intense energy, weird, but not painful, runs through your vajayjay in waves while you read a magazine.

Results and cost? With multiple reasons for bladder leaks, Adib advises an internal exam to determine if low muscle tone is your problem before shelling out for this treatment. If so, four to six sessions, spaced a few days apart, will make a significant difference to leaks caused by coughing, laughing or simply knowing that a toilet is nearby. Single sessions cost around £200, while Emsella treatment packages can cost between £850 and £2,000 for six sessions.

For plumper lady bits and bladder control

Emfemme 360 ​​radiofrequency vaginal remodeling (Dr. Selezneva at Rita Rakus Clinic)

What is this? Radiofrequency heat at a relatively comfortable 42°C gently increases collagen production, including in and around the vagina and vulva.

This improves the “hug and roundness” of the lips, as Selezneva memorably puts it. “It also speeds up internal lubrication and can soothe the itching and burning that can occur when tissues move,” she says.

Importantly, “collagen remodeling” strengthens the vaginal walls and their ability to support the bladder, while heat calms an overactive bladder, helping to control incontinence.

What happens? The recently launched Emfemme 360 ​​and its previous incarnation, the UltraFemme, treat the vagina in eight minutes and the vulva in about 12 minutes.

The heat is gentle and Dr. Selezneva explains that “vaginal skin does not have painful nerve endings.” Underlying structures such as muscles and fascia (a thin covering of connective tissue that surrounds and holds in place every organ, blood vessel, bone, nerve fiber, and muscle) have a pain response, as does the uterus.

But there’s no denying that the “treatment head” is essentially a heated “wand” (in a choice of two sizes) that slides in and out while you lie back and think about England.

Results and cost? Three sessions are recommended. Some notice increased lubrication after just one treatment, but plumper tissues and increased comfort and bladder control will occur approximately three months after your last session. Costs start at £350 for single internal-only sessions, but Selezneva charges £3,200 for a full course combining internal and external treatment.

For tissue regeneration and lubrication

Fractionated vaginal laser (Tania Adib of The Medical Chambers, Kensington, adib.org.uk)

What is this? A vaginal laser causes tiny micro-lacerations to trigger a healing “collagen remodeling response” within the vagina and at its entrance, thickening and tightening the tissues for comfort and bladder support. The procedure is particularly “brilliant for addressing dryness,” says Adib, who uses “the best-studied fractional carbon dioxide laser for this purpose,” the MonaLisa Touch.

What happens? Your doctor will insert a small probe to deliver the laser energy; it only takes five minutes.

It is painless due to the absence of painful vaginal fibers, but “the vulvovaginal entrance is often where the main dryness problem is and it is one of the most sensitive parts of the body, i “I will therefore apply an anesthetic cream before the treatment,” explains Adib.

There is a small risk of burning and loss of sensation (choose a highly experienced specialist) and you may experience mild irritation for about a day after the procedure.

Results and cost? You need three treatments initially, followed by maintenance treatments every year or so. Ninety percent of patients achieve good results after three sessions; some notice improvement after just one. Adib charges £1,800 for the course and £650 for a single session.

To boost collagen – and orgasms

Intimate PRP (Tania Adib at The Medical Chambers)

What is this? Platelet-rich plasma therapy, or PRP, involves placing a small amount of your blood in a centrifuge for a few minutes to separate the plasma, which is rich in regenerative growth factors.

These can be injected into the vagina to “swell and strengthen the collagen around the urethra to keep it strong, and into the vulva to help regenerate dry, stiff tissue,” says Adib.

And there is an additional application: “PRP injections into the clitoral hood tighten the tissues, thereby improving the intensity of orgasm. »Who knew?

What happens? A numbing cream is applied before the injections, supplemented by an analgesic injection if you are having your clitoris treated. Thank God. There may be temporary staining and bruising after treatment. The whole procedure takes about an hour.

Results and cost? Adib charges from £1,150 for the procedure and aftercare. You will notice full results after three months and they usually last for a year.

For cushioning, tension and moisture of the lips

Vulva fillers and boosters (Sarah Tonks at The Lovely Clinic, Chelsea, thelovelyclinic.co.uk)

What is this? Desirial Plus is another type of “lip filler”: a dense hyaluronic acid gel, it is specially designed to re-cushion the outer lips, which can lose density and tone as collagen is lost. Plumping the outer lips also helps protect the labia minora if they become exposed and cause discomfort.

“It works really well, but you need a lot of product,” says aesthetic doctor Dr Sarah Tonks, who also uses its sister product Desirial, an injectable moisturizer. Injected at the mouth of the vagina, it spreads to restore hydration, tone and tightness.

What happens? “To inject the inside and mouth of the vagina, use a tampon with numbing gel an hour in advance so you don’t feel the injections,” says Tonks. “The worst are the anesthetic injections for the outer lips. After that, it’s easy.”

Bruising is possible, as well as a very minor risk of lumps and encapsulation, which is why these treatments should only be entrusted to very qualified doctors.

Results and cost: The Desirial Plus filler can last a few years, while the Desirial hydrating injections last six to nine months. Desirial starts at £500; for Desirial Plus, two syringes of product cost £1,445.

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