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When Will Paris Hilton Share Photos of Baby Girl London? She Says…

While the fans might live for Paris HiltonIn her chapter as a mom, the star herself chooses to keep some things private.

Number one: photos of her and her husband Carter Reumthe 4 month old little girl, London. While the parents, who also share their son Phoenix15 months – looking forward to life as a new family of four, Paris isn’t ready to share their new arrival with everyone yet.

“I feel like my life has been so publicized with everything,” she told E! News’ Francesca Amiker at the Fashion Trust US Awards on April 9. “So I just wanted to keep my little girl for myself. But I’m going to show her to the world soon because everyone keeps asking for it.” (To find out more about Paris, log in E! News April 10 at 11:30 p.m.)

And when could this happen, the Paris in love The star simply said: “When the time is right.”

In the meantime, Paris loves everything that motherhood brings her, while thinking about the future of her family.

“I’m having an incredible time, I’ve never been so happy. They are the most adorable little angels,” the 43-year-old exclaimed. “But I would love to have a sister for London because my sister and I have a really close relationship. I don’t know, I like them both so much right now. But it would be really amazing.”


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