
“What we discovered was completely unexpected”

Scientists have discovered an enzyme function that could help produce more climate-resilient crops, SciTechDaily reported.

Researchers from the Australian National University and Newcastle University were studying cyanobacteria, also known as blue-green algae, when they discovered a previously unknown function of an enzyme called carboxysomal carbonic anhydrase (CsoSCA). It turns out that the enzyme allows the algae to suck up more carbon dioxide from the air than previously thought.

Cyanobacteria can be an environmental problem when, for example, rising temperatures cause an algal bloom that can overwhelm a lake. They can also carry toxins dangerous to humans and wildlife.

However, cyanobacteria also have environmental benefits: the researchers behind the discovery called them “little carbon superheroes” and said they capture about 12% of the world’s carbon dioxide each year. Now scientists understand how they do it.

“Until now, scientists did not know exactly how the CsoSCA enzyme was controlled. Our study focused on solving this mystery, particularly in a major group of cyanobacteria found around the world. What we “What we found was completely unexpected,” said Ben Long, the study’s lead author. said.

“The CsoSCA enzyme dances to the rhythm of another molecule called RuBP, which turns it on like a switch. Think of photosynthesis like making a sandwich. Carbon dioxide from the air is the filling, but a photosynthetic cell must provide the bread. This is RuBP.

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“…Amazingly, the CsoSCA enzyme has always been built into nature’s blueprint, waiting to be discovered.”

The researchers published their results in the journal Science Advances.

The most exciting aspect of this new research is that the CsoSCA enzyme could be used to create crops that are easier to grow and require less nitrogen fertilizer (which has many environmental drawbacks) and irrigation (including systems use large quantities of water). – while capturing more carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, thereby cooling our planet.

Additionally, growing crops that can withstand the impacts of extreme weather while also being able to absorb carbon will help ensure food supplies to communities.

Other recent attempts to engineer more climate-resilient crops include using genetic modification technology to extend the shelf life of various foods and employing a little-known bacteria to increase the rate of photosynthesis Plant.

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