
What happens if you’re too far-right for far-right? – POLICY

He’s been this election’s Bond villain, sitting in an underground lair, petting a cat before pressing a hidden button and sending his enemies hurtling into a pool with a shark (probably). Krah was also “on tour”, driving a sports car accompanied by women wearing dirndls and waving flags as he campaigned for a seat in the 1979 European Parliament elections.

Krah, you may recall, also had his office raided because an aide was accused of spying for China.

And, speaking to Italian daily La Repubblica, Krah said he “would never say that anyone who wore an SS uniform was automatically a criminal.” This is a reference to the German novelist Günter Grass, who admitted late in life to having joined the Waffen-SS – the combat arm of the Nazi Party’s paramilitary Schutzstaffel – when he was a teenager.

Krah became so toxic that even the French National Rally and the Danish People’s Party – both members of the Identity and Democracy (ID) group in the European Parliament – ​​tried to distance themselves from him. And on Thursday, ID voted to expel not only Krah but the entire AfD delegation.

This means they are too far right for the far right! POLITICO’s style guide (for words, not dress sense) will have to be burned and instead of writing “far right” we will have to use the angry face emoji.

Now that the ID group has split, Krah may have to go and sit like a naughty child with the non-aligned MEPs, making obscene gestures and fart noises around the Parliament hemicycle.


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