
‘What are the odds’: Space debris crashes into Florida house; what did the family do next

Alejandro Otero and his family from Naples, Florida, filed a lawsuit against NASA, seeking $80,000 in compensation for damages caused by a piece of space debris that crashed into their home on March 8. The incident happened while Otero was on vacation and his son informed him about the crashed object.

The cylindrical metal object, weighing 1.6 pounds and measuring 4 inches by 1.6 inches, tore through the Otero family’s home, causing significant damage. Otero expressed disbelief and gratitude that no one was injured in the incident, saying, “I was shaking. I was in complete disbelief. What are the chances that something would land on my house with such strength and causes so much damage” and “I’m very grateful no one was hurt.”

NASA later confirmed that the object was a metal bracket used to mount old batteries on a cargo pallet for disposal, which was jettisoned from the space station in 2021. Although the load was expected to burn entirely in entering Earth’s atmosphere, one piece survived and landed on the Otero family property.

The family, represented by the Cranfill Sumner law firm, is seeking compensation for uninsured property, business interruption, emotional and mental anguish and the cost of assistance from third-party agencies. Attorney Mica Nguyen Worthy highlighted the seriousness of the space debris issue, saying, “My clients are seeking adequate compensation to account for the stress and impact this event has had on their lives” and “they are grateful that no one suffered physical injury from this event.” “

Worthy also emphasized that this case aims to set a precedent for space debris claims in both the private and public sectors. NASA has six months to respond to the complaints filed by the Otero family.

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