
Weekly Horoscope: August 11-17, 2024

Your weekly horoscope is here. Take a chance midweek by perfecting your speech and taking the plunge; taking that leap into the unknown. Meanwhile, Mercury continues its retrograde journey. What are you picking up or revising? What has emerged from the past? Accept the message and don’t mistake it for the messenger. If you’ve been a bit critical of your inner dialogue, this is the time to let go of what irritates you and return to what lights you up. Take action to bridge the gap between where you are now and what you want to feel, experience, or achieve. As La Luna’s light continues to grow throughout the week, this weekend is a great time to socialize, throw a party, or go out.

Read on to find out your weekly horoscope and what’s in store for your sign during the week of August 11-17, 2024.

Weekly Horoscope: August 11-17, 2024


Return to a question about dating, creative expression, or hobbies as Mercury moves back into retrograde. What ground are you returning to, revisiting themes, or picking up where you left off? Is there an old hobby that you haven’t been able to revive or that really needs to die? Your ruling planet Mars aligns with expanding Jupiter in your sphere of local connections, suggesting that good fortune is just around the corner. Talk to your network and take the lead on an idea or project you’ve been nurturing. If podcasting is the new blogging, then choose that medium to get your ideas out there. Pick a class that will accelerate an interest or direction, or open the door to a local group of people who share a topic of interest.

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From Saturday night to Tuesday morning, La Luna transits your opposite sign, illuminating all things relationship-related with its silvery rays. Use this time to connect heart-to-heart with someone special and wear your heart on your sleeve for a deep, meaningful conversation. Midweek, Mercury bucks convention by moving backwards in your domestic sphere during its disruptive retrograde. Spot mistakes, reconfigure the feng shui, or go back to the drawing board on something you’ve been missing. It’s all about creativity and keeping the drama in the color palette, not domestic relationships. Researching your home or family tree will yield gold during this period. Mars and Jupiter expand the topics of your finances and values ​​sector, suggesting an increase in fortune or at least potential if you take action.

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