By the authority left in me as president by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, it is therefore ordered:
Section 1. Aim. The dishonest and dangerous activity of the law firm Perkins Coie LLP (“Perkins Coie”) affected this country for decades. In particular, in 2016, while representing the failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, Perkins Coie hired Fusion GPS, who then made a false “file” designed to steal an election. This blatant activity is part of a model. Perkins Coie has worked with militant donors, including George Soros, to cancel the popular electoral laws, necessary and democratically adopted, including those requiring an identification of voters. In such a case, a court was forced to sanction the lawyers of Perkins Coie for a lack contrary to the ethics of frankness before the court.
In addition to undermining the democratic elections, the integrity of our courts and the honest police, perkins cockery racically discriminated against his own lawyers and personal and against candidates. Perkins Coie publicly announced quotas for percentage in 2019 for hiring and promotion on the basis of race and other categories prohibited by civil rights laws. He proudly excluded the candidates on the basis of the breed for his scholarships, and he maintained these discriminatory practices until the candidates were finally informed to apply the change.
My administration is committed to ending discrimination within the framework of “diversity, equity and inclusive” policies and guarantee that federal advantages support the laws and policies of the United States, including the laws and policies promoting our national security and respecting the democratic process. Those who engage in a blatant discrimination based on race and sex based on sex, including quotas, but deliberately hide the nature of such discrimination by the deceptive language, have engaged a serious violation of the confidence of the public. Their lack of respect for the principle of equality of the foundation represents a good cause to conclude that they do not have access to the secrets of our country or be considered as guards responsible for the federal funds.
Second. 2. Safety authorization exam. (a) The Attorney General, the Director of National Intelligence and all the other heads of department and relevant executive agencies (agencies) will immediately take measures in accordance with the law applicable to suspend active security authorizations held by individuals from Perkins Coie, pending an examination of the question of whether these authorizations are in accordance with national interests.
(b) The management and budget office must identify all goods, goods, materials and public services, including sensitive compartmentalized information facilities, provided for the benefit of Perkins Coie. Heads of all agencies providing these documents or services must, to the extent allowed by law, quickly cease this provision.
Second. 3. Markets. (A) To prevent the transfer of taxpayer dollars to federal contractors whose earnings subsidize, among other thing, racial discrimination, falsified documents designed to weaponize the government against candidates for office, and anti-democratic election changes that invite fraud and distrust, Shall, to the extent permissible by law, require goverment contractors to disclose any business they do with perkins coie and that that that business is related to the subject of the government contract.
(b) Heads of all agencies examine all contracts with Perkins Coie or with entities who disclose business with Perkins Coie under paragraph (a) of this section. To the extent authorized by law, agency leaders must:
(i) Take the appropriate measures to terminate any contract, to the maximum extent authorized by applicable law, including the Federal Acquisition Regulations, for which Perkins Coie has been hired to perform a service;
(ii) otherwise align the financing decisions of their agency with the interests of citizens of the United States; with the objectives and priorities of my administration as expressed in executive actions, in particular the executive decree 14147 of January 20, 2025 (ending the armament of the federal government); And as agency leaders deem appropriate. Within 30 days of the date of this order, all agencies must submit to the Director of the Management Office and to a budget an assessment of contracts with Perkins Coie or with entities that do business with Perkins Cie in force on the date of this order and all measures taken with regard to contracts in accordance with this order.
Second. 4. Racial discrimination. a) The president of the Employment Equality Commission examines the practices of important, influential or industrial lawyer companies representative to be consistent with the title VII of the civil rights law of 1964, especially if the major law firms: reserve certain positions, such as the associated summer places, for individuals of preferred races; promote individuals on a discriminatory basis; Allow access to the customer on a discriminatory basis; Or give access to events, training or trips on a discriminatory basis.
(b) The Attorney General, in coordination with the Chairman of the Commission for Employment Opportunities for Equality and Consultation with the State Prosecutors, investigating, will investigate the practices of large law firms, as described in the paragraph (a) of this section which makes cases with federal entities to comply with race and based on sex, laws on non-discrimination and Additional, the Deem Deem according to the evidence of the evidence.
Second. 5. Staff. a) Heads of all agencies must, to the extent allowed by law, provide advice limiting official access to federal government buildings to perkins Coie employees, when this access threatened national security or would be otherwise incompatible with the interests of the United States. In addition, heads of all agencies provide councils limiting government employees acting in their official quality to engage with employees of Perkins Coie to ensure coherence with national security and other interests of the United States.
(b) Agency officials, to the extent allowed by law, refrain from hiring employees of Perkins Coie, in the absence of an exemption from the head of the agency, carried out in consultation with the director of the personnel management office, that this hiring will not threaten the national security of the United States.
Second. 6. General provisions. a) Nothing in this order should be interpreted as altering or otherwise affect:
(i) the authority granted by law to an executive department or to an agency, or at its head; Or
(ii) the functions of the director of the management and budget office relating to budgetary, administrative or legislative proposals.
(b) This order must be implemented in accordance with the applicable law and subject to the availability of credits.
(c) This order is not intended to create and create a right or advantage, a noun or procedure, enforceable in law or equity by a party against the United States, its services, agencies or entities, its officers, employees or agents, or any other person.
The White House,
March 6, 2025.