World News

We are not helping Ukraine win

General Ben Hodges argues that those who fear an “escalation” with Russia if Putin were to be challenged by the West are completely wrong.

Rather than worrying about what Russia will do, the White House should focus on doing everything it can to ensure Russia’s defeat and Ukraine’s victory. It is clear that a Russian victory in Ukraine would be terrible not only for Ukraine, but for all of its allies.

Gen. Ben Hodges says that despite overwhelming historical evidence that Russia will not use nuclear weapons, some of Washington’s so-called “Russia experts” have managed to convince many in the Biden administration that the threat of a nuclear World War III is imminent.

Even more absurd, the general said, are American “experts” who worry about what will happen if Russia collapses – or what will happen if Ukraine liberates Crimea.

Gen. Ben Hodges, who commanded U.S. Army Europe from 2014 to 2017, believes Western policymakers need to wake up to a hard truth: Russia is only emboldened by the empty phrases we use to describe our support for Ukraine because we are unwilling to say, “We will do everything we can to make Ukraine win.”

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