
Watch the long-awaited documentary WrestleMania XL: Behind the Curtain

During WrestleMania 40WWE has announced that it will release a behind-the-scenes documentary on the main events of the event, just three days after the show ended.

It seemed like a crazy production timeline, even for one of the best production departments in the world. And that was without even mentioning how the angles involving Cody Rhodes, Seth Rollins, Roman Reigns and Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson changed in the months leading up to April 6-7 in Philadelphia… and continue to develop to this day.

It turns out that the release delay has been completely insane. The initial release date has come and gone. Rumors have swirled about the reasons for the release, and then been denied. Finally, this past Monday, WWE Chief Creative Officer Paul “Triple H” Levesque announced that the movie would be released today (July 3) at 7 p.m. ET.

So if nothing else changes, you’ll be able to watch it above anytime after that date.

Then we can all find out together what WWE decided to tell us about how Cody went from winning the Royal Rumble, to handing his ‘Mania main event title to a babyface Rock before taking it back from a heel Rock a few days later, to The Bloodline defeating Rhodes & Rollins on Night 1 en route to Dusty’s son finally finishing the story by winning the WWE Title from Reigns on Night 2, followed by Roman being taken off the stage for a moment as The Final Boss set up a showdown with The American Nightmare.

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News Source : www.cagesideseats.com

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