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Watch an Arkansas Trooper Destroy a Mustang at 117 MPH

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Watch an Arkansas Trooper Destroy a Mustang at 117 MPHWatch an Arkansas Trooper Destroy a Mustang at 117 MPH

Watch an Arkansas Trooper Destroy a Mustang at 117 MPH

If you’re like most people, you’ve been driving down the highway and suddenly realize you’re dangerously close to a police officer. Even if you haven’t done anything wrong, the natural instinct is to slow down, sometimes below the speed limit. After all, no one wants a ticket and the fear is that if you stand out from the surrounding cars, you might.

Here’s yet another piece of evidence that proves drivers aren’t paying attention.

The cops know all this and often don’t care about you (but not always). In this situation, the Arkansas trooper whose dashcam footage we’re sharing asked a Ford Mustang to do just that one night. Even though the pony car slowed down, the officer noticed something strange: one of the headlights was “faulty.” This set off a series of events that ultimately led to a PIT maneuver at 117 mph.

After noticing the problem with the headlights and realizing that no matter how fast he went, the Mustang wouldn’t pass his car, the trooper stopped on the shoulder, then moved behind the Ford to pass his plate. As he does so, he notices the driver drifting over the lane line without signaling, giving him reason to conduct a traffic stop.

Some might think this is tricky and it is, but an officer can arrest you for that very thing. Instead of simply stopping and dealing with the soldier, the driver of the Mustang decides that running is a better solution. As you already know, this was a horrible decision.

Eventually, with speeds exceeding 100 mph, the trooper decides to simply take the fleeing Mustang out. At the time he performs the TVI, both cars are traveling at 187 km/h, increasing the risk. And of course, not only does the pony car spin out and hit the cable barrier in the central reservation, but also the soldier’s patrol vehicle.

What we don’t see in the first video, but in the second one that we also shared, is Little Rock police continuing the pursuit as the suspect regains control of his car and takes off. He loses the Mustang and takes the next exit, starts to lose control of his car, then a cop rushes into the mostly invisible car, sending the Ford careening into a traffic pole.

The driver was unconscious and had to be extricated from the Mustang. Surely stopping wouldn’t have been such a traumatic experience.

Image via Police pursuits/YouTube

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