
Vince McMahon hits back in sex trafficking lawsuit by claiming his accuser sneaked into bed at his apartment in the middle of the night before returning to her fiancé’s apartment in the same building

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Vince McMahon points finger at former WWE employee who accused him of sex trafficking, saying she snuck into his penthouse apartment to get into bed while her own fiancé was present on another unit of the building.

According to the latest filing in the case, obtained by, McMahon claims Janel Grant, 43, willingly participated in their sexual relationship for three years, while continuing to deny explosives charges against him in his trial. .

To wit, McMahon denies ever defecating on Grant’s head, as she claimed in her filing.


A woman who claimed she was sexually assaulted by Vince McMahon wrote a love letter to the former WWE CEO, but claims she was coerced into doing so, according to a new report.

Janel Grant (above), a former WWE employee, accused McMahon, who is under investigation by New York prosecutors, of sex trafficking and multiple counts of sexual misconduct.

Janel Grant (above), a former WWE employee, accused McMahon, who is under investigation by New York prosecutors, of sex trafficking and multiple counts of sexual misconduct.

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