World News

Viewers think Laura Ingraham just made a big admission of guilt for Trump

Laura Ingraham admitted something Monday that doesn’t bode well for Donald Trump during his secret trial that began earlier in the day, according to some viewers who watched the segment. (Watch it below.)

The Fox News host was down on the first day of the trial, in which Trump is accused of falsifying business records to conceal payments intended to silence porn actor Stormy Daniels about their alleged affair before the 2015 election. 2016.

Ingraham attempted to attack the credibility of Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, Judge Juan Merchan and star witness Michael Cohen, Trump’s former lawyer.

But she then appeared to make a confession about the former president, who denied any relationship with Daniels.

“Stormy Daniels thought she had leverage over Trump in 2016 and she used that leverage to extract money,” Ingraham said. “And like other politicians who have made embarrassing mistakes, Donald Trump was apparently trying to put this episode behind him.”

Viewers enjoyed the phrasing.

“Wait, is Ingraham admitting that Trump had this affair? Because Trump certainly didn’t admit it,” attorney Bradley P. Moss posted on X.

“So wait, Laura Ingraham is basically saying, ‘Who among us hasn’t paid off someone we were having an affair with so we could move on and get elected president?’ The number of knots that conservative commentators tie themselves into in defense of Donald Trump remains mind-boggling,” another X user. rang.

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