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Video of python trying to catch pet cat in Australian garden is wild

An Australian family got the shock of their lives when a large carpet python tried to grab their tabby cat out of their garden and run off with it.

Luckily, the cat’s owner managed to pull the snake off his pet, but not before the frightened cat ran into the house with the snake still attached and the owner screaming. Just watch this video.

Now, I will never say mean things about snakes. This snake was doing exactly what snakes do and it plays a valuable role in controlling pests like mice and other vermin. But what if it was my cat? I would be very angry too.

Sunshine Coast Snake Catchers posted on Facebook: “This afternoon Stu went to a job in Buderim where a large carpet python grabbed the pet cat in the family yard!

The mom and daughter were able to safely remove the snake from the cat and called us to come and move it! Some images (and screams) were captured by the rear security camera! Amazing!”

On the same subject: 12-year-old Australian girl battles huge snake to save her guinea pig

Facebook users were also alarmed and one person commented: Traumatized cat. Traumatized snake. Traumatized people. Welcome to Queensland.” LOL! Another person made a very intelligent point: “As a wildlife rescuer, including snakes, and now also responsible for a cat rescue, I say to everyone world of keeping cats indoors. This is a perfect example and the result is much better than when a cat attacks a bit of wind, often fatal for both. But I laughed too.”

Yeah, you see, I never let my cats outside unless I’m with them. I’m too paranoid.

What exactly is a carpet python?

Carpet pythons are native to Australia and New Guinea. They range from five to nine feet long and occasionally eat things like small mammals, birds, reptiles, and, you know, a poor house cat sitting in the yard.

They get their name from their beautiful scales and colors, which resemble an oriental rug pattern. They also use their magnificent camouflage to blend into their surroundings and patiently wait for unsuspecting prey to pass by before striking with a quick, powerful bite. After capturing their prey, they squeeze it until it chokes before swallowing it whole. That’s probably what that snake had in mind when it grabbed that poor cat to begin with!

Well, these owners are much braver than me. I’m so glad their cat is safe and that snake was moved!

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