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Very potent cannabis linked to youth psychosis

Summary: Young people who use high-potency cannabis between the ages of 16 and 18 are twice as likely to suffer from psychosis in their mid-20s as those who use low-potency varieties.

This research used data from the Children of the 90s study, which followed thousands of participants from Bristol. This is the first longitudinal study correlating early cannabis use with specific potency levels and later psychotic experiences.

The findings highlight the significant mental health risks associated with stronger forms of cannabis, highlighting an urgent need for public health education and policy adjustments.


  1. Participants who used highly potent cannabis reported a double rate of psychotic experiences compared to those who used less potent forms.
  2. The study indicates that 10.1% of high-potency cannabis users developed new psychotic symptoms after use, which is significantly higher than the 3.8% using low-potency variants.
  3. This research contributes to a broader discourse about the potency of cannabis, as THC levels have increased dramatically over several decades, potentially exacerbating mental health issues among younger users.

Source: University of Bath

Younger users of high-potency cannabis, such as skunk, between the ages of 16 and 18 are twice as likely to have psychotic experiences between the ages of 19 and 24 as those who use low-potency cannabis.

This is according to a new study from the University of Bath published today in the scientific journal: Addiction.

Previous studies from the Addiction and Mental Health Group at the University of Bath found that the concentration of THC in cannabis – the main psychoactive component of cannabis – increased by 14% between 1970 and 2017, meaning that today Today the UK cannabis market is dominated by very potent cannabis strains like Skunk.

Those who used high-potency cannabis were more than twice as likely to report new psychotic experiences after starting cannabis use, compared to those who used low-potency cannabis. Credit: Neuroscience News

This new study is the first longitudinal examination of measures of psychosis in early adolescence and the detailed potency of cannabis.

This data comes from the Children of the 90s study, the most comprehensive research project of its kind. The project began in Bristol over 30 years ago, collecting information and data from thousands of families across the city.

Nearly 14,000 people were recruited into the study at birth, many of whom continue to participate in the study to the present day. Between the ages of 16 and 18, participants were asked about their recent cannabis use. At age 24, they disclosed their primary type of cannabis and any psychotic experiences such as hallucinations or delusions.

Lead author Dr Lindsey Hines from the University of Bath’s Department of Psychology said: “Young people who use more potent forms of cannabis are twice as likely to have experiences associated with psychosis, such as hallucinations and delusions.

“It is important to note that the young people we interviewed had not reported these experiences before starting to use cannabis. This adds to evidence that consuming more potent cannabis can have a negative impact on mental health.

This study adds to a wealth of research from the ALSPAC study, which examines various topics ranging from the links between medications taken during pregnancy and a child’s well-being, to how social media can drive to self-harm.

Main conclusions of this study:

• 6.4% of young people using cannabis have had new psychotic experiences, compared to 3.8% of non-users

• After starting to use cannabis, 10.1% of youth using high-potency cannabis reported new psychotic experiences, compared to 3.8% using low-potency cannabis.

• Those who used high potency cannabis were more than twice as likely to report new psychotic experiences after starting cannabis use, compared to those who used low potency cannabis.

This research adds to the growing body of evidence indicating that high-potency cannabis use is associated with an increased likelihood, and now incidence, of psychotic experiences.

Researchers are now calling for better evidence on the long-term outcomes of using more potent cannabis and exploring measures to reduce the potency of cannabis available to young people.

Dr Hines said: “Cannabis is evolving and more potent cannabis is becoming increasingly available. These results show how important it is to understand the long-term effects of higher consumption among young people. We need to improve messages and information accessible to young people about the impacts of cannabis use in the 21st century.

Funding: The study is published in the scientific journal, Addiction and was funded by The Wellcome Trust.

About this psychosis and the latest research on THC

Author: Chris Melvin
Source: University of Bath
Contact: Chris Melvin – University of Bath
Picture: Image is credited to Neuroscience News

Original research: Free access.
“Incidents of psychotic experiences following self-reported high-potency cannabis use: Results from a longitudinal cohort study” by Lindsey Hines et al. Addiction


Incident psychotic experiences following self-reported high-potency cannabis use: results from a longitudinal cohort study

Context and objectives

High potency cannabis has been associated with an increased risk of psychosis, but the lack of prospective data prevents understanding the causality of this relationship. This study aimed to combine a prospective report of cannabis use with a retrospective report of potency to infer the potency of cannabis used in adolescence and explore whether cannabis use and high potency cannabis use in adolescence are associated with incident psychotic experiences.


Population-based birth cohort study.


United Kingdom.


not= 5,570 participants who reported having used cannabis (yes/no) aged 16 and 18, and not= 1,560 participants in this group who also retrospectively reported cannabis potency.


In questionnaires at ages 16 and 18, individuals reported using cannabis in their lifetime, and at age 24, participants reported the type of cannabis they had most commonly used since first using cannabis. cannabis. Psychotic experiences were assessed at age 24 using the Semi-Structured Psychosis-Like Symptoms Interview, with incident defined as a new onset occurring between 19 and 24 years of age.


Use of high potency cannabis at ages 16 or 18 was associated with twice the odds of having incident psychotic experiences between ages 19 and 24 (odds ratio 2.15, 95% confidence intervals 1.13-4, 06). There was less evidence of an effect of any cannabis use on incident psychotic experiences (odds ratio 1.45, 95% confidence intervals 0.94-2.12).


Consumption of high potency cannabis appears to be associated with an increased risk of psychotic experiences.

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Gn Health

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