US Secretary of State Antony Blinken warns Beijing against supporting Russia: NPR

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken speaks during a news conference at the U.S. Embassy in Beijing on Friday.

Stefen Chow for NPR

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Stefen Chow for NPR

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken speaks during a news conference at the U.S. Embassy in Beijing on Friday.

Stefen Chow for NPR

BEIJING, China – Secretary of State Antony Blinken concluded his visit to China with a meeting with Chinese leader Xi Jinping, calling for more communication between the United States and China, even as both men agreed that the two superpowers disagreed on a multitude of issues.

The Secretary of State spoke with Morning edition‘s Steve Inskeep after meeting the Chinese leader in Beijing.

The United States has accused China of selling critical components to Russia’s defense industry after Russia’s large-scale invasion of Ukraine. Blinken said Morning edition that he warned his Chinese counterparts that helping Russia was against China’s interests, as China wants better relations with European countries that view Russia as a threat.

“If China doesn’t act, we will,” Blinken said.

America’s top diplomat did not say how Chinese leaders responded privately. But in public, China’s Foreign Ministry rejected the U.S. advice, saying the U.S. was “hypocritical” in complaining about China’s trade with Russia while helping Ukraine.

The exchange highlights the strained relations between the two nations – their diplomats often in the same room but not always on the same page.

The Secretary of State spoke with Morning Edition’s Steve Inskeep after meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping at the Great Hall of the People, April 26, 2024, in Beijing.

Stefen Chow for NPR

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Stefen Chow for NPR

This interview has been lightly edited for length and clarity.

To listen to the full interview between NPR’s Steve Inskeep and Secretary of State Antony Blinken, use the audio player at the top of this page.

Steve Inskeep:

I have followed China’s public statements during this day of meetings that you have had. And the public statements are quite pointed. China alleged that the United States suppressed its economic development and that the United States attacked China’s core interests, which is quite harsh in diplomatic language. Was President Xi different in private?

Second. Flashes:

Look, I don’t want to characterize him or what he said. But I can tell you. We had very direct, very frank, but also, in many ways, constructive conversations on two things. If you go back to the meeting between President Biden and President Xi late last year, in San Francisco and Woodside, they agreed that it was very important, first of all, that we have these lines regular communications, that we had an obligation to manage this relationship responsibly, including dealing very directly with our differences, and also seeing if we could build areas of cooperation where it was in our mutual interest.

Interview :

One of the things you focused on was trying to get China to stop helping the Russian military as it invaded Ukraine. And we can talk about China’s attitude here because they made a public statement. Their Foreign Ministry spokesperson was asked today about the end of aid to Russia and he responded: “Look, we trade with Russia and you guys help Ukraine. You are hypocrites. That sounds like a no, we’re not stopping. It seemed like that was what they were saying.

Second. Flashes:

Well, here’s the problem. What China is currently doing is not supplying weapons to Russia for use in Ukraine, as for example North Korea and Iran are doing. But it is the first supplier of essential components to Russia to rebuild its defense industrial base, machine tools, microelectronics, optics and other elements which will enter into the massive production of ammunition, weapons, tanks, armored vehicles , who in turn go to Ukraine. This is not only a problem for us, it is not only a problem for Ukraine. This is a problem for virtually everyone in Europe, because they see it as a way to perpetuate Russian aggression in Ukraine. They also see it as a growing threat to Europe’s security. One of the things I shared with our Chinese colleagues is that at the same time as they are trying to develop better relations with Europe, they cannot do it while helping to fuel what is most big problem. threat to European security since the end of the Cold War. Now we have already taken action ourselves. We are prepared to do more if China is not prepared to act to curb this activity.

Interview :

But, Mr. Secretary, in October the United States issued new regulations that denied Chinese companies access to the most advanced semiconductors and chips. To what extent has this step changed competition between these two countries?

Secretary of State Antony Blinken met with Chinese leader Xi Jinping at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on Friday.

Stefen Chow for NPR

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Stefen Chow for NPR

Secretary of State Antony Blinken met with Chinese leader Xi Jinping at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on Friday.

Stefen Chow for NPR

Second. Flashes:

One of the things that we focus a lot on is making sure that when it comes to cutting-edge technology, our business is not about providing or selling things that could be turned against us and compromise our own security. And so what we’ve done, as we said, is work on building a very high fence around a very small piece of land, because this is not about decoupling our economies. This is not about ending trade and investment with China, things that are good for us and for them, as long as it is done fairly. And as I mentioned a moment ago, we remain the largest market for Chinese products in the world, and U.S. investment remains significant in China. But when it comes to sensitive technologies, we’re going to be very, very sure that the most sensitive technology doesn’t end up where it could backfire and harm us.

Interview :

So while we’re here in Beijing, we’ve talked to a lot of people. And we met with a university professor who said America’s reputation has declined here, in part because of American support for Israel in its war against Hamas. And then today a Chinese newspaper headlined that Chinese satellites detail the destruction caused by the war in Gaza. And it has been widely reported that China is exacerbating this conflict in the global south in many countries to weaken the United States. How can you answer this?

Second. Flashes:

Look. I can’t, you know, focus on what they’re saying or doing in China. But I can focus on two things. One, of course, is what we’re doing in the Middle East, both to try to end this conflict as quickly as possible in a way that allows Israel to ensure that October 7 doesn’t happen again, but also for We are doing everything we can to protect the men, women and children who are caught in this Hamas crossfire. And at the same time, when it comes to China, one of the things we discussed was the Middle East. And I’ve had, I think, six conversations with my Chinese counterparts since October 7th. I actually believe that China could play a constructive role in trying to ensure that the conflict doesn’t spread and that we don’t see an escalation because they have relationships. It exercises influence with critical countries in the region, notably Iran. So my goal is to encourage China to use this influence productively.

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