
US National Security Accelerates 5G Infrastructure in the Age of AI

  • The United States is strengthening its 5G infrastructure, according to a National Security Council official.
  • She said the United States needs to improve its telecommunications infrastructure.
  • This article is part of “Guide to 5G and Connectivity“, a series exploring some of the most important technological innovations of our time.

The United States is strengthening its 5G infrastructure in the age of AI.

Anne Neuberger, deputy national security adviser for cybersecurity and emerging technologies, said 5G and 6G are among the “most strategic sectors,” especially as telecommunications and data center infrastructure host the data needed to train artificial intelligence models.

On Thursday at the annual RSA conference in San Francisco, she spoke at a fireside chat on cybersecurity and new technologies like 5G and AI, moderated by Niloofar Razi Howe, operating partner of Capitol Meridian Partners.

Neuberger spoke about the importance of the telecommunications sector, saying one of the biggest challenges for the United States is the lack of competitive technology in telecommunications infrastructure. She said the United States needs to improve its hardware and encourage competition among suppliers.

This is particularly important, Neuberger said, as the United States is engaged in a technological arms race with China and Chinese telecommunications companies, such as Huawei. As Chinese technology becomes increasingly integrated into the technology Americans use every day, whether it’s 5G technology or connected vehicles, the United States must consider security risks national in the way data is collected, she added.

“We’re at the point where we can ask: What is a thoughtful approach that protects Americans’ sensitive data, that protects Americans’ browsing data while still promoting innovation?” Neuberger said.

The telecommunications industry affects valuable information belonging to U.S. businesses and the government. It’s also often managed and updated remotely, so it needs to be secure, Neuberger said.

“Telecommunications systems are very complex today,” she said. “If you don’t trust those vendors, it’s really hard to trust them.”

Neuberger highlighted some of the government initiatives to invest in 5G, including the Biden administration’s $1.5 billion Public Wireless Supply Chain Innovation Fund, which aims to introduce open standards in telecommunications and advancing innovation in the wireless industry.

“What we’ve tried to do is introduce innovation and bring in new players to allow our traditional strength in software to shine through,” Neuberger said.

Grants from these types of funds have helped U.S. allies. They have enabled global telecommunications companies, including those in India, Japan and Europe, to test new technologies together and learn from each other. The United States has also established a telecommunications partnership with India, as it is one of the largest telecommunications markets in the world, along with the United States and China.

In November, the White House launched its National Spectrum Strategy to promote innovation in wireless technologies. Neuberger said this included sectors such as connected vehicles and defense, adding that these technologies allowed the United States to help Ukraine when Russia destroyed its power lines.

“As we think about how we will lead in these connected industries in the future, we need to think about creative ways to use spectrum more efficiently and differently,” Neuberger said.


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