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US forces shoot down ‘at least dozens’ of Iranian drones targeting Israel as Revolutionary Guards issue chilling warning to America

U.S. forces shot down some of the drones launched by Iran and flying toward Israel, officials said.

A defense official told CNN that troops managed to shoot down the drones as part of their “unwavering commitment” to Israel.

The official said: “In line with our unwavering commitment to Israel’s security, U.S. forces in the region continue to shoot down drones launched by Iran targeting Israel.

“Our forces remain positioned to provide additional defensive support and to protect U.S. forces operating in the region.”

Fox News reported that another official confirmed to them that the US military had managed to shoot down “dozens” of drones.

Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) has issued a chilling warning to the United States, saying any American action would be met with a “reciprocal” response.

View shows drones or missiles vying for targets in undisclosed locations in northern Israel

Objects are visible in the sky above Jerusalem after Iran launched drones and missiles towards Israel

Objects are visible in the sky above Jerusalem after Iran launched drones and missiles towards Israel

In a statement, the IRGC said: “Any threat from the American terrorist state and the Zionist regime emanating from any country will be followed by a reciprocal and proportional response from the Islamic Republic of Iran to the source of the threat. »

In addition to the intercepted drones, the United States sent the warship Bataan as well as two support ships with 2,500 Marines on board to the Eastern Mediterranean.

Sources in the US Congress say the amphibious warship Bataan is leading a US naval task force in the Eastern Mediterranean.

The Bataan has two support ships and together they have approximately 2,500 Marines on board.

The United States also has several guided-missile destroyers, including the Carney, in the region.

Additionally, the United States has two destroyers and a cruiser in the Red Sea that are fully armed with anti-missile weapons and also have orders to shoot down any Israeli missiles or drones.

Missiles began penetrating Israeli airspace, with footage showing some of them intercepted by the Iron Dome system over Jerusalem.

Israeli military spokesman Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari said Iran had launched dozens of missiles at Israel, most of which were intercepted outside Israel’s borders.

The Iranian salvo so far amounts to more than 200 drones and missiles, Hagari said, and has caused minor damage to an Israeli military installation.

Biden is seen here walking toward the Oval Office after returning from Delaware to consult with his national security team

Biden is seen here walking toward the Oval Office after returning from Delaware to consult with his national security team

Shortly after news of attacks on Israel by Iranian forces broke, President Biden was rushed back from Delaware to the White House for a national security meeting, seen here.

Shortly after news of attacks on Israel by Iranian forces broke, President Biden was rushed back from Delaware to the White House for a national security meeting, seen here.

US bases in Iraq have been placed on alert and will also attempt to shoot down missiles and drones targeting Israel.

US bases in Iraq have been placed on alert and will also attempt to shoot down missiles and drones targeting Israel.

The Israeli military later said it was only advising residents to prepare to take shelter, revising an earlier alert in what appeared to signal an end to the threat.

Israel’s Channel 12 television quoted an unnamed Israeli official as saying there would be a “meaningful response” to the attack.

Shortly after news of attacks on Israel by Iranian forces broke, President Biden was rushed back to the White House from Delaware.

In a message to X, he said: “I just met with my national security team to provide an update on Iran’s attacks on Israel.

“Our commitment to Israel’s security against threats from Iran and its proxies is ironclad.”

Iran had threatened to retaliate against Israel following an attack in Syria, which Tehran said was an Israeli airstrike on an Iranian diplomatic building in Damascus.

Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei has promised revenge following the attack on Damascus, for which Tel Aviv has not yet taken responsibility.

The April 1 attack destroyed the Iranian consulate building in the city and killed seven Revolutionary Guards, including the two generals.

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