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University of Tehran professor Foad Izadi says US protesters would support Iran

A professor at the University of Tehran said in an interview that Iran likes to see protests on American university campuses, adding that they would be its supporters in the event of a conflict between the two countries.

Professor Foad Izadi, who according to the University of Southern California’s Center for Public Diplomacy received his master’s degree from the University of Houston, was seen in a video posted on social networks and translated by MEMRI.org, interviewed on the protests in the United States.

“Sooner or later, this type of support from the American regime for the Zionist regime will diminish. It may not stop completely, but its decrease is significant,” he said in the MEMRI video. “That’s why the protests (on American campuses) are important.”

Izadi spoke as a member of the Islamic Republic and often said “we”, referring to himself and the republic.

“We observe the protests and like what we see, but it should not stop there,” Izadi said. “Without the Islamic Republic, the case for the Palestinian idea would have been closed years ago. The idea of ​​resistance belongs to Iran, but operationally, when it comes to recruiting connections and building networks, the (Iranian) state has not been sufficiently involved.

“These (American students) are our people,” he continued. “If tensions between America and Iran increase tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, these are the people who will have to take to the streets to support Iran. »

Professor Foad Izadi of the University of Tehran said protesters at American universities would side with Iran in the event of a conflict between the two countries. @MEMRIReports/X
An anti-Israel protester breaks the glass of the front door of Hamilton Hall at Columbia University, April 30, 2024. Getty Images
Anti-Israel protesters chant outside the City College of New York during a demonstration on May 1, 2024. Getty Images

Izadi said there are Hezbollah-type groups in the United States that are much larger than those in Lebanon.

“America is the Great Satan and our main enemy, but we have hope in these areas,” he said.

Iran expert and Foreign Desk editor Lisa Daftari provided insight into Izadi’s comments.

“It’s quite enriching to see the same regime that is obsessed with torturing, raping, blinding and executing its own students applauding ignorant students on American campuses,” she said. “This demonstrates their desire to increase their influence outside Iran. »

Daftari said Iran has strengthened its terrorist proxies in the region and funded American universities.

But at the same time, she added, the Iranian people suffered under the rule of their “barbarian” leaders.

Protesters barricade themselves inside Hamilton Hall after breaking into the Columbia University building on April 30, 2024. Getty Images
Protesters stand behind a barricade they erected between their encampment and law enforcement during a demonstration at UCLA on May 1, 2024. REUTERS

After watching the comments, Daftari also said it was interesting to hear Izadi say there were more Hezbollah supporters in the United States than in Lebanon.

“No matter when these pro-Hamas protests subside here in the United States, it is clear that the regime aims to manipulate this momentum to launch more attacks here in the West,” she said. . “The question then remains: will they focus on a physical attack or simply information warfare, or both?

New York Post

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