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UN resolution on Srebrenica vital for peace – POLITICO

And although the political landscape in Bosnia and Herzegovina has long been dominated by nationalist politicians, this situation now culminates in institutionalized denial of the genocide. Meanwhile, survivors of these atrocities receive far less attention than they should.

This is precisely why I founded the War Childhood Museum, which allows survivors to tell their stories in their own words. I believe museums can play a vital role in educating the public, building emotional connections, and promoting dialogue, tolerance, and reconciliation. Since its creation, the museum has documented more than 6,000 stories and testimonies from Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as 20 other conflicts, becoming an international platform for all those whose childhoods were marked by war.

I am particularly proud that, in partnership with the Srebrenica Memorial Center, the museum has produced the first systematic documentation of the Srebrenica genocide from the perspective of children – stories that vividly illustrate the ongoing human cost of extermination attempts of a population.

Among these stories is that of Ermina, born in 1993, whose father was killed during the genocide. “Without my father, we would never be able to take a family photo. My mother was still pregnant when they said goodbye, so my sister never even got to meet him. Originally, these were photos of my mother, my sister and me, put together using Photoshop. To complete our family portrait, we added the only photo we had of my father. In 2010, his remains were found,” she said.

A Bosnian Muslim woman and survivor of the 1995 Srebrenica massacre mourns near the graves of her loved ones and victims of the 1995 Srebrenica massacre. | Elvis Barukcic/AFP via Getty Images

This poignant collection of more than 100 testimonies from child survivors, like that of Ermina, highlights the importance of supporting this UN resolution.

Genocide denial inflicts deep wounds. Refusing to acknowledge historical atrocities blocks the path to reconciliation, and I reject arguments made against the resolution that it would be “counterproductive” or “stoking conflict.” These words come from those who were at the forefront of the rallies in Banja Luka, denying the genocide while inciting hatred and sowing fear and mistrust.


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