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World News

Ukraine destroys Russian munitions depot, shoots down 37 drones overnight

Nighttime drone wars have brought some victories to Ukraine: border guards destroyed a Russian ammunition depot in the Bakhmut region while air defense forces shot down 37 Shahed drones.

Drones of the Phoenix border guard unit destroyed a Russian ammunition depot and hit several positions and shelters of Russian forces in the occupied Bakhmut sector.

The Ukrainian National Border Guard Service published the Vampire drone strike in a video on its website, Ukrinform reports.

“At night, with the help of Vampires, border guards destroyed an ammunition depot, an Ural and a UAZ and struck the positions and shelters of the occupiers,” the report says.

Meanwhile, Air Force Commander Mykola Oleshchuk reported on Telegram that Ukrainian air defenses shot down all 37 Shahed-131/136 attack drones launched by Russia on the night of 18-19 May, according to Ukrinform.

Russian forces launched the drones from the Primorsko-Akhtarsk and Kursk regions, according to the report.

“Anti-aircraft missile units of the Ukrainian Air Force, mobile firing groups of the Ukrainian Defense Forces and electronic warfare units were involved in repelling the air attack.

“The 37 drones were shot down in the regions of kyiv, Odessa, Mykolaiv, Sumy, Vinnytsia, Zhytomyr, Cherkasy and Kherson,” as reported by Ukrinform.

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Hello “Liutiy” drone – Goodbye Russian oil refineries

Despite initial development challenges, Ukrainian technology prevailed by providing an effective and distinguished drone with a proven capability to strike high-value enemy targets.

News Source : www.kyivpost.com
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