
Two Premier League footballers arrested on suspicion of rape

Police have reportedly arrested two Premier League players on suspicion of rape.

The Sun reports that the two unnamed players, belonging to the same club, were arrested last weekend.


Two Premier League players arrested on suspicion of rapeCredit: Getty

A player, aged 19, was reportedly questioned by police on suspicion of assault and complicity in rape.

The Sun report adds that following a brief interview, he was allowed to leave the club’s stadium before a formal arrest was made.

He then spent the night in a police cell and detectives later questioned him under caution.

The player’s teammate, of the same age, was also arrested the next day and questioned on suspicion of rape.


Police confirmed on Monday evening that both players had been released on bail pending further inquiries.

The alleged rape reportedly took place on Friday evening and the alleged victim contacted police a few hours later and filed a formal complaint.

“Police officers arrested two men following a report of a rape,” a police spokesperson told The Sun.

“A 19-year-old man was arrested on suspicion of assault and complicity to rape.

The arrests took place this weekend and they both come from the same club


The arrests took place this weekend and they both come from the same clubCredit: Getty

“A second 19-year-old man was arrested on suspicion of rape. Both men have since been released on police bail.

Additionally, a club spokesperson said: “As the matter is now in the hands of the police, the football club will make no further comment at this stage.”

It is unclear whether both players have been suspended pending the outcome of the investigation.


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