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Two New Yorkers die after falling into a manure tanker truck

Two men died in upstate New York after falling into a manure tanker, local police said.

One of the men attempted to retrieve a piece of equipment that had fallen into the tanker truck, the Kirkland Police Department told WKTV.

“He fainted and fell inside the fuel truck,” police said, adding that the second man also fainted and fell while trying to help him.

The incident occurred Thursday morning on a farm in Kirkland, New York, less than 50 miles east of Syracuse, New York.

Decomposing manure can produce a number of gases, including methane, ammonia and carbon dioxide, which can be fatal to people and livestock when ingested in high concentrations, according to Farm Safety Association.

Authorities identified the men as Nathan Doody, 33, and Tyler Memory, 29, according to the New York Daily News.

Workers at Champion Farm called authorities for help, but the men were taken to hospital, where they were pronounced dead.

Similar incidents have happened before. A farmer and 13 cows died in Wisconsin in 2016 after being knocked out by methane or sulfur oxide from a massive manure reservoir.

An Iowa father and son died after being knocked unconscious by fumes from a hog manure pit.

Gn headline
News Source : www.bbc.com

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