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Turkey-Greece tensions flare (again) over marine park plans – POLITICO

“We recommend that Greece not involve the outstanding issues of the Aegean Sea and questions concerning the status of certain islands, islets and rocks whose sovereignty has not been ceded to Greece by international treaties, in the part of its own agenda,” Ankara said. a statement Tuesday evening.

He went on to advise “third parties, including the EU, not to become a tool for Greece’s politically motivated attempts at environmental programs.”

In response, the Greek Foreign Ministry accused Turkey of “politicizing” environmental issues and said it “defends the country’s sovereignty and sovereign rights within the framework of foreign policy principles.”

Greece’s first new marine park will span 11 groups of deserted islands and islets stretching from the west of Milos island to Nisyros, nicknamed “the Greek Galapagos” due to their rich biodiversity. The second will encompass an area starting in the north of Kefalonia and ending in Kythera and Antikythera.

Despite being NATO allies and neighbors, Athens and Ankara have been at odds for decades over a number of bilateral disputes, including disputes over maritime borders, competing claims to their continental shelves and the long-running conflict date in Cyprus.

But Greece’s rapid response to the devastating earthquakes in Turkey in February 2023 has created a new context for bilateral relations, with both sides seeking a fresh start and enjoying a period of diplomatic calm for more than a year .


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