Try These Tips to Develop a Healthier Mindset About Aging – Orange County Register

Last week we explored the relationship between attitude and longevityy and noted a surprising finding from Becca Levy, a professor of epidemiology at Yale, who asserted that attitude matters. His research found that people with a positive attitude toward aging live an average of 7.5 years longer than those with a negative mindset.

Given its importance, one might ask: how can we develop this positive mindset and even reverse a negative mindset? In her book “Breaking the Age Code,” Levy says it is possible to achieve such change by adopting what she calls the ABCs of Age Liberation.

It starts with A: Consciousness. Yes, it starts with us. We need to be mindful of how we talk to older people, especially those receiving care. You may have heard of the term “elder tongue,” which means using simplified language, often consisting of a single syllable, often spoken while singing, and then speaking louder than usual. Elderspeak also includes word choice. Although some older people like to be called “sweetheart,” “darling,” or “cute,” these words are usually reserved for children. At the same time, we must pay attention to positive role models. It could be an actor, your grandmother, a teacher or an artist. Levy notes that positive role models not only make us feel good, but they help change our behavior. And notice the presence of age stereotypes: I’ve seen political cartoons depicting older leaders pushing wheelchairs. Then there are birthday cards that cross the line between funny and ageist. Add to that clinical trials that exclude the elderly. So be aware of your own attitudes, your language and what is happening around you.

Next comes B: blame. This shifts the responsibility for ageism from oneself to sources in our society as a whole. Levy tells the story in her book of a pulled muscle she felt while running a 5K. “She immediately began to lament that her middle-aged body was already failing her and wondered if she would ever be able to run again. His daughter later pointed out that his failure to warm up before the race was likely the real reason for his injury. His first instinct was to blame himself rather than address the influences of ageism. He demonstrated how deeply rooted stereotypes maybe.

And C: Challenge negative beliefs. Levy found that older adults who confront negative beliefs rather than ignore them are less likely to develop depression and anxiety. This might involve writing a letter (or email) to an editor about an ageist story. This might involve writing to an advertising agency because older people are missing or misrepresented in an advertisement. This might involve responding to an ageist comment made at a book group meeting or in a conversation with a friend or relative.

Manfred Diehl, retired professor of human development and family studies at Colorado State University, has compiled a list of ways to adopt a more positive attitude towards our own aging process. And it starts with us.

  1. Stay physically active, 150 minutes per week of moderate intensity such as recommended by the Centers for Disease Control.
  2. Never stop learning and keep exercising your brain.
  3. Live a healthy lifestyle by eating right, getting enough sleep, managing your weight, and avoiding overeating or smoking.
  4. Stay socially connected with your spouse, family, friends and neighbors and include younger ones.
  5. Don’t worry about the little things; accept what you cannot do.
  6. Minimize stress and use coping mechanisms to relax, such as meditation, yoga, or tai chi.
  7. Carry out regular check-ups and adopt healthy behaviors.

Simply working on our own behaviors that make us feel good about ourselves will help us think more positively about our “aging selves.”

If you’re curious about whether a phrase, image, or story is ageist, author and anti-ageism advocate Ashton Applewhite can answer your question on his website, “Yo, Is This Ageist?”

Here’s an example: Someone read an ad for iPhones for Seniors and iPhones, Senior Edition. The person wrote: “This seems to perpetuate the myth that seniors are clueless about technology. » “Am I overreacting?” the person asks.

Applewhite responds: “You have a right to feel insulted, because these posts effectively reinforce the myth that technically incompetent older people are holding rotary phones. It’s ageist, it’s wrong, and it’s harmful.

So, remember the ABCs and the healthy behaviors we can implement to make positive thinking about our own aging a little easier.

Be well everyone and know that kindness changes everything.

Helen Dennis is a nationally recognized leader in the field of aging and new retirements, with academic, corporate, and nonprofit experience. Contact Hélène with your questions and comments at Visit Helen at and follow her at

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