Trump team expects ‘excellent’ debate performance from Harris

Vice President Kamala Harris will have a “great” performance in Tuesday’s debate, Trump campaign adviser Chris LaCivita told House Republicans in a phone call Friday, Axios reported.

The Trump team doesn’t expect Harris’ debate performance to be disastrous for the Democratic Party, like President Joe Biden’s performance this summer, which ultimately prompted Democrats to force him out.

According to media reports, Harris has been focused on debate preparation this week, although some reports suggest things are not going as well as Harris’ campaign hoped.

Harris will try to avoid being hammered again after the 2020 cycle, when then-Democratic Rep. Tulsi Gabbard held Harris accountable for her radical left-wing record. Gabbard’s attack on Harris during the debate was deadly. Harris was the first candidate to drop out of the race.

“We didn’t do a good job of preparing her to take that hit,” a person who worked with Harris in 2019 told NOTUS this week. “Tulsi’s effectiveness in 2019 was due to a lack of preparation on our part. … I think there are very few new blind spots now.”

With just 60 days until the presidential election, time is running out for voters to learn more about Harris’ ambiguous plans to address the nation’s decline under the Biden-Harris administration.

She has given only one pre-recorded interview since joining the race seven weeks ago, on July 21, 2024. In those seven weeks, Harris has reportedly changed her mind, changed her mind completely, or had an unknown position on nine issues.

These topics include:

  1. Ban plastic straws (Flip-flopped)
  2. An obligation to produce only electric and hydrogen vehicles by 2035 (Unknown)
  3. Ban hydraulic fracturing (reversal of position)
  4. Gun Confiscation via Buyback Program (apparently no longer supported by anonymous campaign spokesperson)
  5. Decriminalize illegal crossing of the southern border (apparently no longer supported by an anonymous campaign spokesperson)
  6. Repairs (unknown)
  7. Building a border wall (apparently the anonymous campaign spokesperson no longer supports it)
  8. A federal jobs guarantee (which would no longer be supported by an anonymous campaign spokesperson)
  9. Health insurance for all (reversal)

Trump might be able to exploit Harris’s reversals and unfamiliar positions by portraying her as a political shell intent on doing or saying whatever is necessary to get elected.

Harris’ candidacy is in a bind. Harris cannot campaign on policies to reduce crime, inflation, and border security without undermining the policies of the Biden-Harris administration, but she must tout the administration’s policies to validate her record and her candidacy.

CNN’s Dana Bash laid out Harris’ economic dilemma in his first pre-recorded interview in August.

Harris acknowledged the Biden-Harris administration’s economic record while blaming Trump for it. The contradiction was stark, leading Harris to tout her administration’s policies to validate her candidacy while undermining his record and candidacy.

RELATED — Josh Shapiro: Harris Shouldn’t ‘Underestimate’ Trump; ‘He’s a Talented Debater’

Wendell Husebo is a political reporter at Breitbart News and a former RNC war room analyst. He is the author of Slave Morality Policy. Follow Wendell on “X” @WendellHusebø or on Social truth @WendellHusebo.

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