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Trump selling $60 ‘God Bless the U.S.A.’ Bibles with Lee Greenwood

Former US President and Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks at the Pray Vote Stand Summit, hosted by the Family Research Council in Washington, September 15, 2023.

Jonathan Ernst | Reuters

Donald Trump on Tuesday began promoting a line of expensive Bibles in partnership with country music star Lee Greenwood, whose song “God Bless the USA” is omnipresent at the former president’s political rallies.

“Every American needs a Bible in their home, and I have plenty,” Trump said in a video on Truth Social announcing the trade deal.

“It’s my favorite book. It’s a lot of people’s favorite book,” he said.

“Religion and Christianity are the things this country lacks most, and I truly believe we need to restore them,” he added. “This is one of our biggest problems. This is why our country is broken: we have lost religion in our country.”

The ubiquitous Christian sacred text is the best-selling book in the world, and churches are often more than happy to distribute it for free. The Bible can also be read for free on a wide range of websites and apps, not to mention in hotel rooms and other locations.

The “God Bless the USA Bible” costs $59.99, not including shipping and other charges.

For that money, buyers get a range of extra features not typically included in regular Bibles.

The Trump-Greenwood Bible, a King James translation, includes a copy of a “handwritten chorus” of Greenwood’s eponymous hit, according to the website.

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It also includes the U.S. Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the Declaration of Independence and the Pledge of Allegiance, the site says.

It’s the “only Bible” endorsed by either Trump or Greenwood, the site proclaims. He adds that it is “the ONLY Bible inspired by America’s most recognized patriotic anthem, God Bless The USA.”

The text is also printed in large type that highlights Jesus’ words in red, according to the site.

It was not immediately clear how much money Trump and Greenwood could make from the promotion, which took place during Holy Week, a sacred time for Christians.

Trump, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, also promoted sneakers, perfume and digital trading cards while running to unseat Democratic incumbent Joe Biden.

Former U.S. President Donald Trump, left, alongside singer Lee Greenwood during a rally at Rupp Arena in Lexington, Kentucky, November 4, 2019.

Mandel Ngan | Afp | Getty Images

This partnership comes at a particularly turbulent time for Trump’s finances.

Trump recently saw his net worth explode by billions of dollars, following a successful merger allowing his media company to list on Nasdaq.

But he will not be able to profit from his participation in this company for months. In the meantime, he has just days left to post $175 million for an appeal bond that will prevent New York State from enforcing a $454 million civil fraud judgment against him.

Trump is also fighting other heavy civil judgments, including a federal jury verdict ordering him to pay $83.3 million for defaming writer E. Jean Carroll after she accused him of former president of raping her years ago.

Trump’s political fundraising operation, meanwhile, lags far behind Biden’s campaign efforts. Trump said Monday that he “might” invest his own money in his White House bid.

The website selling Trump-backed Bibles clarifies that none of its profits will be donated to the Trump campaign.

The site claims it “is not political and has nothing to do with any political campaign.”

“ is not owned, operated or controlled by Donald J. Trump, The Trump Organization, CIC Ventures LLC or any of their respective officers or affiliates.”

Instead, it says it is authorized by CIC Ventures to use Trump’s name, likeness and likeness.

Trump’s 2023 financial disclosures show he earned more than $5 million in speaking engagements through CIC Ventures.

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