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Trump says ‘a lot of people like it’ when he floats idea of ​​being a dictator – Orange County Register

People don’t seem to mind the idea of ​​former President Donald Trump acting like a dictator, he told Time magazine in an interview that quickly drew criticism from the Biden-Harris campaign.

In a wide-ranging interview with the magazine — and shared by the 45th president Tuesday morning via his Truth social media platform — Trump was asked to explain comments he made to Fox News host Sean Hannity, in which the former president declared he would become a dictator on his first day in office.

“A lot of people like it,” Trump reportedly told Time.

Predictably, President Joe Biden’s re-election team was quick to take note of and respond to the revelations in the interview.

“Not since the Civil War have freedom and democracy been under greater attack at home than today – because of Donald Trump. Trump is willing to abandon the very idea of ​​America to put himself in power,” Biden-Harris 2024 spokesperson James Singer said in a statement.

“In his own words, he promises to rule as a dictator from day one, to use the military against the American people, to punish those who oppose him, to condone violence committed in his name, and to before his own vengeance and retaliation. what’s best for America. Bottom line: Trump is a danger to the Constitution and a threat to our democracy,” Singer continued.

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