Trump revives false claim that Biden authorized ‘deadly force’ for search at Mar-a-Lago | Donald Trump

Donald Trump

The claim relies on a misquoted section of FBI policy in a court filing, and what’s more, Trump wasn’t even in Florida during the search.

Monday, May 27, 2024, 11:49 a.m. EDT

Donald Trump’s campaign made another extraordinary fundraising request to his supporters by doubling down on a false claim that his rival Joe Biden was prepared to injure or kill him by authorizing the use of deadly force during a search for classified documents by the FBI at Mar-a-Lago. composed in August 2022.

This claim has become commonplace among some Trump supporters and is widely described by them as an “assassination attempt” – but is based on a misquoted section of FBI policy in a court filing. Additionally, Trump wasn’t even in Florida during the searches.

The restatement of this claim came Sunday evening in the form of an email to his supporters titled: “This is an alert from Donald Trump. » “MURDEROUS FORCE? Biden authorized it. They brought weapons in the Mar-a-Lago raid! it reads.

“I’m tired of the radical left destroying this country and trying to destroy me,” he continues, before detailing the raids, indictments and arrests to which Trump claims he was subjected for political purposes.

“Here’s the bottom line: I WILL NEVER SURRENDER. AND YOU NEITHER! It ended with a request for donations of up to $500 and a request to “drop all charges” against him.

As stated in the Justice Manual of the Department of Justice. officers are authorized to use deadly force “when necessary, that is, when the officer has reasonable grounds to believe that the person subject to such force presents imminent danger of harm.” death or serious injury to the agent or to another person.” This is standard procedure in many cases and the execution of a search warrant on Mar-a-Lago was communicated in advance to Trump’s Secret Service.

In a statement, the FBI described this language as “a standard policy statement limiting the use of deadly force.” No one ordered any additional measures and there was no departure from the norm in this case.”

Since leaving office in 2021, Trump is estimated to have spent more than $100 million on attorneys and other fees related to various investigations, impeachments and legal defense costs — or about $90,000 per day.

Most of those expenses are covered by donations to the political action committee and campaign funds set up to challenge the 2020 election results. But those accounts are running out and the former president could face a crisis cash.

But Trump’s claims ignore the reality that fears of increased political violence this election cycle are primarily focused on the threat from the far right.

“You know they just can’t wait to do the unthinkable,” read the Trump campaign’s previous fundraising email, signed with the former president’s name. “Joe Biden was locked and loaded, ready to take me out and put my family in danger.”

Government accusations that Trump hid classified documents taken from the White House at the end of his term and then refused requests for their return are currently blocked by legal challenges.

But the sense that the government itself is working against justice in Trump’s case serves as a powerful fundraising tool for his campaign.

Trump’s latest warning email about his assassination comes as his campaign finance trial draws to a close in New York. Closing arguments from the prosecution and defense are expected Tuesday. Opinion polls suggest that the month-long debates have so far not moved the needle one way or the other on Trump, but have simply served to reinforce existing opinions.

But a verdict could change the situation – or not. Either way, both presidential candidates are likely to gain political traction regardless of how they play out. Trump has turned the dark hallway outside the courtroom into a campaign stage, with Republican allies showing up daily to show their support.

According to Politico last week, Biden plans to settle the matter once the verdict is reached. But he could do it from the White House, not from the campaign trail, to show that his statement is not political. But with political tensions rising, both men’s reactions will likely be seen primarily through a political lens.

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