New York (AP) – President Donald Trump reached around 36.6 million viewers for his speech at Congress on Tuesday evening, Nielsen Company said.
This beat the 32.2 million people who watched last year the last speech of the union of the Union of former president Joe Biden, but who was smaller than any Trump audience for the annual address during his first mandate, said Nielsen.
Trump’s first speech at Congress as president in 2017 was seen by 47.7 million people. The vision of television in general has decreased since then. Nielsen measured the vision of 15 different television networks, including those whose flow was transported to streaming services.
Fox News Channel, the most popular network for Trump fans, dominated visualization, reaching 10.7 million people. ABC had 6.3 million, CBS had 4 million, NBC had 3.9 million, Fox Broadcast had 2.7 million and CNN and MSNBC had 1.9 million, said Nielsen.
Nielsen said 71% of Trump television viewers were 55 and over.
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California Daily Newspapers