World News

Trump Proxy Alina Habba Fears Memorial Day Hangouts Will Corrupt Hush Money Jurors

As Donald Trump’s secret trial draws to a close, Alina Habba worries about how Memorial Day weekend could be an opportunity to influence jurors.

While appearing on Fox News’ “Sunday Morning Futures” Habba, Trump’s former lawyer but now a legal spokesperson, told host Sean Duffy that jurors should have been sequestered to keep them away from “friends and families who have opinions.”

“These jurors are handling something that is completely unprecedented and unjustified in America,” Habba said.

“And for them to be able to go out on a holiday weekend with opinionated friends and families watching the news, TVs in the background at the pool party, I have to serious concerns,” she continued. “If they’re left-wing and they watch MSDNC — as my client calls it — or CNN, they’re not going to get fair news.”

The influence of left-wing news was far from Habba’s only fear.

Although jurors are explicitly asked not to discuss the case outside the courtroom, Trump’s spokesperson said, “I’m afraid they’ll go back to friends who might be suffering of Trump Derangement Syndrome, forget all sense of reality and return to sit in this courtroom. box and saying, “You know what? I have to take one for the DNC.’

During jury selection, people’s social media backgrounds and political views were scrutinized, making the possibility of a secret Democratic operative infiltrating very slim.

Although Habba seemed convinced that the vacation posed a threat to her client, Duffy saw things a little differently, wondering if a long weekend might help jurors take their time considering the case instead of rushing to conclude the proceedings with a guilty verdict.

Closing arguments in the case are expected to begin Tuesday, when the court returns to session after its brief holiday closure.



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