Trump Jr. says his father is a ‘changed man’ | Live updates

Donald Trump Jr. said he was fishing with his daughter Saturday when his fiancée, Kimberly Guilfoyle, called to tell him her father had been shot.

“Kim calls me (and say)“Your father was shot,” Trump Jr. recounted during a fireside chat with Axios.

But she had no further information to give, he said.

“It took me 90 minutes to know he was alive,” Trump Jr. said.

Trump Jr. then said he was able to speak to his father on the phone.

“Considering the heaviness of that moment, it kind of gave me a window for a little levity and, you know, I asked him, ‘Well, the most important thing is, how’s the hair?'” he said.

Trump Jr. said his father responded: “The hair is beautiful…there’s a lot of blood in it, but it’s beautiful.”

“It was a very busy two hours, with that uncertainty,” Trump Jr. said. “And then you finally realize that everything is OK, and you sit down and you start watching the video while watching the news. And it was like the adrenaline kicked in. It was amazing how calm I was at first, and then once it stopped, ‘poof.’”

Trump Jr. said he thought his father was a different man after the shooting.

“There are events that change you for a few minutes and there are events that change you permanently,” he said.

He also said he believed there was a breach of security procedures at Saturday’s rally.

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