Trump is not only willing to talk about his policies, he is willing to talk to anyone.

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Donald Trump gave an interview yesterday to scientist Lex Fridman. It may not be the biggest news, but it shows that Trump is not only willing to talk about his policies, he is willing to talk to anyone, at any time. He will lay it all out, answer any questions, so you know who he really is. Compare that to Harris. Imagine if they were real estate agents. Trump would take you on a tour of several houses, show you every nook and cranny, the showerheads, the basement, the laundry room. He will show you the servants’ hall, which is not a euphemism.

He may never shut up when he shows you the woodwork in the crawl space, because you’ll have more than you ever wanted to know before you made an offer. Now compare that to Harris. If she were the agent, all you’d have is a simple photo on the website, and she might look like this. But when you go to see her, she looks like this. See, Trump not only has nothing to hide, he wouldn’t mind if he did. Hell, he’ll tell you where he stands on anything. Even when the bullets are flying, he always has to have the last word. The Trump-Vance ticket has done about 37 interviews since last month, compared to just one for Harris and Walz.

So, regardless of your political stance, Trump telling us what he plans to do once elected makes him, for now, the superior candidate. Well, that, and he didn’t sleep with Willie Brown. But the truth is, Kamala is pretty weighed down by her past. From helping to destroy San Francisco, to her great work on our southern border, to her fake phone calls like the one from Kilmeade calling me asking for money. Meanwhile, with Lex and Trump, Donald has displayed his usual sense of nuance. For example, is Kamala a Marxist?

DONALD TRUMP: Well, she’s a Marxist.

LEX FRIDMAN: Her father is a Marxist, and she is…

DONALD TRUMP: This is a bit unusual.

LEX FRIDMAN: Whenever we use terms like “communism” for her, I don’t know if you know this, but some people call you a fascist.

Donald Trump:Yes, that’s true. So I think it’s okay to call them communists. Yes, they call me much worse than I am.

And there you have it. Fridman then boasted that he had many friends.

LEX FRIDMAN:I have a lot of friends who are independents, many of whom like your politics, but they are troubled by what happened during the 2020 elections and claims of widespread fraud. What can you say to these independent voters to help them decide who to vote for?

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DONALD TRUMP: I think the fraud was on the other side. I think the election was a fraud, and a lot of people felt that it was, and they wanted answers. And when you can’t contest an election, you have to be able to contest it.

Trump is right. Just because they don’t let you prove something doesn’t mean it’s not true. That’s why, until you bother to measure my height, I’ll still say I’m 5’7″. But what about UFOs? Of course, a lot of people are very interested in UFO pictures.

LEX FRIDMAN: A lot of people are interested in UFO footage. The Pentagon has released some videos. There are also anecdotal reports from fighter pilots. So a lot of people want to know if you will help the Pentagon release more footage, many of which claim to be available.

DONALD TRUMP: Oh, yes. Of course I would. I would love to do it. I have to do it.

You see, it is not certain that Trump really believes in UFOs, but he considers it an apolitical issue where simply being curious is a guarantee of success, because we all want to know. For example, are anal probes as effective as they say? I am still not convinced, aliens! Prove me wrong. Trump has also suggested that he would release Jeffrey Epstein’s full client list.

LEX FRIDMAN: It is just very strange to many people that the list of guests who visited the island has not been made public.

DONALD TRUMP: Yeah, that’s very interesting, isn’t it? It probably will be, actually.

LEX FRIDMAN: So if you can…

DONALD TRUMP: I would definitely take a look at it.

Maybe after all, all those famous liberals who claim they’ll leave the country if Trump wins will actually do so. He’s also been thinking about God. I wonder if he thinks our country is seriously lacking in religion.

DONALD TRUMP: I think our country is very lacking in religion. I think it was a much better place with religion. It was kind of… It was almost a guide, you know. To a certain extent, it was a guide. You want to be good to people. Without religion, there’s no real… There’s no safeguards. I wish we’d get back to religion, more religion in this country.


You know he’s right. Praising God is way more important than worshiping a golden cow. Well, I had to get out of here somewhere. Lex also asked Trump if he thinks about death a lot. I wonder if that’s true.

DONALD TRUMP: That’s how it is.

I tell my urologist this every month. But you can’t argue with Trump’s assessment of life either.

DONALD TRUMP: And you know, to some extent, life is what you do while you’re waiting to die, so you might as well do a good job.

Take that, Aristotle. Opposite, Plato. Trump sums up the meaning of life pretty well in his own way. Calm, thoughtful, no political bullshit. A little tough, maybe. Just a regular billionaire. The guy Americans identify with far more than the Democrats have become. I mean, look at their candidate, whom his party is happy to hide because transparency would only reveal a vast nothingness, a lone sneer in the desert, a charlatan who hides his opinions and led a palace coup against his boss. And yet it is Trump, the known quantity, who represents the risk. But God forbid you be objective about him because that only helps him.

Republican presidential candidate former U.S. President Donald Trump participates in a Fox News town hall with Sean Hannity at New Holland Arena on September 4, 2024 in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.

Republican presidential candidate former U.S. President Donald Trump participates in a Fox News town hall with Sean Hannity at New Holland Arena on September 4, 2024 in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.

“MORNING JOE” HOST: For some reason, the mainstream media has… Nine years into the Trump era in American politics, they still don’t know how to cover Donald Trump. And their objective, and I put that word in quotes, is actually not objective at all. It ends up working in Donald Trump’s favor every day because they’re so numb to the hate.

Okay, let me translate these anuses. If we exaggerate the threat enough, then we don’t need to be objective anymore. When I tell you that being impartial is wrong, I’m actually biased when I say it. But that’s okay, because being impartial is wrong. You follow? Me neither. Meanwhile, they ignore the fact that the man they claim is an unforeseen danger will talk to anyone who will listen.


Remember, this is Trump who went and talked to the little rocket man who told NATO and China to pay up, who told Mexico to stop. This was the Donald Trump who was really talking to you and not letting the media do it for him.


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