Trump holds slim lead over Biden in head-to-head, five-way race (poll)

Former President Donald Trump leads Joe Biden by a razor-thin margin in the race for the 2024 White House, according to a new poll.

The Fox News survey, released Wednesday, shows the ex-commander in chief leading the incumbent president 49% to 48% in a face-off rematch of the 2020 election.

Trump, 77, also maintains his advantage over Biden, 81, in a hypothetical five-way race, leading by a 3-point margin, 43% to 40%.

Donald Trump
Trump leads Biden by 3 points nationally in a five-way race, according to the poll. Getty Images

Although he still trails Trump, Biden’s numbers have improved since the last Fox News national poll.

In March, the survey revealed that the president was five points behind his predecessor, both face-to-face (50% versus 45%) and including third-party candidates (43% versus 38%). .

Biden’s rise in the polls coincides with an improvement in the number of Black voters and his highest approval rating since January 2023.

The survey finds Biden garnering 72% support among Black voters — up from 66% in February, but still below the 79% support he received from the main Democratic voting bloc before the 2020 election.

The president’s approval rating was measured at 45%, an increase of 4 points from March.

When registered voters were asked about specific questions, Biden’s approval numbers plummeted.

Regarding his management of the economy, 40% approved while 59% disapproved; on inflation, 34% approved and 64% disapproved; on border security, 33% approved and 64% disapproved; and on the Israel-Hamas war, 32% approved and 64% disapproved.

Voters trusted Biden over Trump on issues related to abortion, health care and election integrity, while the former president held the advantage on issues involving crime, l immigration, foreign policy and the economy, according to the poll.

Voters were divided on who they trust more on energy policy.

Joe Biden
Biden’s numbers against Trump have improved since March, according to the poll. AFP via Getty Images

Of the three third-party candidates running, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., led the pack with 11% support (up from 12% in March) and Cornel West and Jill Stein received 2% each.

Kennedy picked up support from those backing Biden and Trump in a roughly even two-way race — 10% from Biden and 9% from Trump — according to the poll.

Support for Stein and West, by contrast, came primarily from voters who otherwise would have supported Biden.

The Fox News poll surveyed 1,126 registered voters and was conducted between May 10 and 13.

There was a margin of error of 3 percentage points.

New York Post

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