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World News

Trump had a brand message for donors who wanted photos with him at a fundraiser

For Republican donors who reportedly paid at least $40,000 to attend Saturday’s Mar-a-Lago event, it wasn’t a breeze to take a photo with Donald Trump, according to the Washington Post.

Drawing on an attendee’s audio recording and accounts from other participants, The Post wrote that Republican presidential candidate Trump “complained about having to take so many photos with donors and told people in the crowd that the reason they didn’t have a photo was because they didn’t donate enough money.

He also told his supporters that a wedding at his Florida estate was preferred over them “because the wedding paid more per person to be there.”

The report indicates just how high the price of attracting attention at Republican National Committee functions is.

“Anyone who donates a million dollars to the Republican Party right now…I’ll let you come and speak,” Trump said, according to The Post. Two donors took the stage and one proclaimed, “Donald J. Trump is God’s chosen person.”

The fundraiser follows a successful April for Trump’s presidential campaign and the RNC. The two men said they raised more than $76 million, Reuters reported, despite the former president’s ongoing trial for allegedly disguising secret payments to a porn star as business expenses.

In March, Trump and the RNC raised $65.6 million, which was surpassed by President Joe Biden and the Democrats’ $90 million.



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