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Trump cuts advertising from UNC brothers who defended the American flag

Former President Trump released a new ad for his presidential campaign Friday that touted patriotic students fighting against the anti-Israel mob — and appeared to claim them under his own banner.

The ad was posted on Truth Social and consisted entirely of news clippings showing chaos across the country.

The footage leaned heavily on a group of University of North Carolina Chapel Hill students who defended the American flag on their campus against protesters. A GoFundMe started throwing the “angry” brothers and generated more than $500,000, including a $10,000 assist from hedge fund billionaire Bill Ackman.

Former President Trump is seeking to capitalize on campus unrest during his presidential campaign. Getty Images
Trump’s new ad featured images of American students defending the American flag. Social truth/Donald Trump
DC gadfly Matthew Foldi also featured in the ad. Social truth/Donald Trump

“As campuses struggle to gain control of their students, at UNC Chapel Hill they are restoring order,” the video begins.

The students “held on” despite being “pelted with bottles and rocks,” the ad continued.

“I think the most popular students right now are the ones at UNC,” Matthew Foldi, a notable DC gadfly, said in the ad.

The footage also featured more controversial images, such as those of University of Mississippi students, one of whom was filmed taunting a black protester with what appeared to be monkey noises and gestures .

New York Post

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