Trump backs Freedom Caucus presidential challenger Bob Good ahead of Virginia primary

WASHINGTON (AP) – Former President Donald Trump has endorsed the Republican opponent of a Virginia congressman who leads the far-right House Freedom Caucus in what could be a defining moment in the GOP primary scheduled for June 18.

State Sen. John McGuire’s endorsement adds momentum to the challenger and could be difficult to overcome for two-term incumbent Rep. Bob Good. The primary is one of the most closely watched in the country as millions of dollars have been invested in the race since various Republican-aligned groups.

Trump said McGuire, 55, “has my complete and total support!” MAGA2024. Meanwhile, he calls good bad for Virginia and bad for the United States. In the endorsement, posted on Truth Social, Trump said Good constantly attacked and fought him until recently, when he gave a “warm and ‘loving'” endorsement — but in reality, it was too late. The damage is done.”

Both candidates sought to show their allegiance to Trump in the solidly Republican district, but Good, 58, initially supported Ron DeSantis in the GOP presidential primary, before backing Trump. The former president did not forget and took revenge three weeks before primary day, saying of Good: “he turned his back on our incredible movement.”

Trump was leaning toward McGuire but had not yet made a decision to endorse him when he and Good both showed up to accompany him to court in New York on May 16, according to a person close to Trump who asked to speak anonymously to share private deliberations. .

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Trump made his decision after weighing both Good’s perceived sins and McGuire’s efforts to go beyond Trump’s expectations while proving he was a viable challenger.

Good’s main transgression was his support for DeSantis, which seemed particularly egregious to Trump and his allies because it came just days after Trump was indicted in the Manhattan hush money case. The timing made it a particularly public and critical display of disloyalty, the person said.

The hush money case was the first of four criminal cases brought against Trump last year.

McGuire has sought to emphasize his loyalty to Trump throughout the campaign to mark a contrast between the two candidates, who have similar positions on many policy issues.

“Thank you to President Donald J. Trump for supporting my campaign for Congress!” McGuire said in a statement. “I have been with Trump since he took the escalator and when I am in Congress, I will support his agenda and put America first!”

The good was among the parade of GOP lawmakers and allies who appeared with Trump at his trial in New York in a show of support. He and McGuire accompanied Trump the same day. “We’re here to support him,” Good said of the trip.

But McGuire said Trump was right about the good.

“Trump recognized that I was the 100% MAGA candidate in this race and I appreciate that,” McGuire said.

Good said in a statement that he was still confident of victory and that the campaign took place on the ground with more than 300 committed volunteers. He cited a number of Republican lawmakers and groups supporting his campaign.

“They all know I am the true conservative in this race, determined to overturn the Biden agenda and put America back on track to being great again like it was during President Trump’s first term,” Good said .

Good’s campaign website, even after Trump announced he was supporting McGuire, as of Tuesday afternoon still included a large photo of Trump and Good under the headline “Who Supports Bob.”

The website included Trump’s praise of the congressman and noted that the comments were about the 2022 election.

“President Trump has not endorsed this election cycle, but Congressman Good is proud to have supported President Trump’s re-election in 2024,” the website reads.

Trump has long chafed at people who seem to give the illusion of having received his coveted support when he has not yet given it.

Good is a fiscal conservative who pushed for deep spending cuts and was one of eight Republican lawmakers who voted with Democrats to oust then-Speaker Kevin McCarthy. The fallout from that vote is also evident in the congressional race, as groups supportive of the former president spend heavily to defeat Good while others mobilize to his defense.

According to media tracking firm AdImpact, about $7.5 million was spent on campaign ads in the Virginia race as of Tuesday, with more than $2 million in ad time booked through June 18. That’s a significant amount for a House race, given that it’s not seen as a winning opportunity for Democrats.


Price reported from New York. Associated Press writer Chad Day contributed to this report.

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