
Touch Egg is the most ridiculous Playdate game I’ve ever tried, and I’m addicted

Sometimes we all need to turn off our old brains for a bit and have a little fun. That’s the kind of vibe I was looking for when searching the Playdate catalog for a new game to play this weekend, and let’s just say I got more than I could ever ask for in Touch the egg. The game, created by Joelle Tindall, is simple: spin wildly to extend a finger Pinocchio-style and poke the egg as many times as you can, but don’t let the horrible man in the room see you or you will lose what he said. finger. It’s all about chasing the high score, and you have 60 seconds to try to get those shots.

There’s no story (well, none beyond “He lays the eggs and doesn’t want you to touch them”), so no explanation of who this man is, what sort of creature would hatch from him. egg, why you are bothering him and why everything is so scary. Don’t worry about all that, just start the engine.

You can only touch the egg when the man’s eyes are closed. Three exclamation points will appear in succession to signal that his eyes are about to open and that you should stop starting. You can also put him to sleep for a few seconds by pressing the “A” button, but this may cause there to be no warning when he opens his eyes. Meanwhile, the unusually large cat clock is ticking.

The visuals are wonderfully unsettling and, to add to the absurdity of the whole thing, you can unlock little accessories like sunglasses that are worn on your thumb. There are also some secrets to discover as you play and, I’m sorry, eggchievements to earn. I clicked on Egg touch only because it made me think of I think you should leave egg game, and ended up not being able to put it down for a good hour. (Contrary to ITYSLthere are no NSFW surprises here).

Egg touch costs just $1 in the Playdate catalog and is free on Now get out of here and go touch that egg.

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