
Tony nominee Jocelyn Bioh puts braiders center stage

Somi Kokoma, Lakisha May dans <em>Jaja’s African Hair Braiding</em>‘/></p><p>This week, Brittany Luse speaks with playwright Jocelyn Bioh, whose new play, <em>Jaja’s African hair braiding, </em>is up for five Tony Award nominations, including Best Play.  The two discuss Bioh’s unique approach to comedy, what it took to bring a hair case to Broadway, and how to find humor in dark situations.</p><p><em>Would you like to appear on the show?  Record your response to Brittany’s question at the end of “Hey Brittany” via voice memo and send it to ibam@npr.org.</em></p><p>(Image credit: Matthew Murphy)</p><p><img data-lazyloaded="1" src="" decoding="async" data-src="https://media.npr.org/include/images/tracking/npr-rss-pixel.png?story=1197956483" /></p><p>Entertainment</p><div class=

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