
Tips to Stay Safe from Mosquito-Borne Infection

National Dengue Day is celebrated in India on May 16 every year. The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has officially announced this day to raise awareness about the disease, its prevention and control measures.

The initiative highlights the importance of community participation in preventing mosquito breeding, by recognizing symptoms at an early stage and seeking timely medical advice.

The theme of National Dengue Day 2024 is “Dengue Prevention: Our Responsibility for a Safer Future”.

This day serves as an important reminder of the need for public participation and proactive measures to reduce the incidence of dengue and protect public health.

Dengue statistics in India

According to WHO data, the cumulative number of dengue cases reported up to week 7 of 2024 was 25,541 cases, an increase of 67.5% compared to 15,243 cases for the same period in 2023 Fourteen dengue-related deaths were also reported for the mentioned period, compared to 13 deaths in 2023.

In 2023, India saw an increase in cases in Kerala and the northeastern states compared to the previous year.

However, according to the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control, more than five million cases of dengue and more than 2,000 dengue-related deaths have been reported worldwide since the start of 2024.

On the occasion of National Dengue Day, health authorities highlight the alarming rise in dengue cases across the country and emphasize the importance of preventive measures to combat the spread of the disease.

Tips to stay safe from mosquito-borne viral infection:

Remove standing water from containers, flower pots and other areas to prevent mosquito breeding.

Apply mosquito repellent to exposed skin or wear long-sleeved clothing, especially when going outside, to avoid mosquito bites.

Install screens or close doors and windows to prevent mosquitoes from entering your home.

Use mosquito nets while sleeping.

Keep your environment clean and dispose of waste properly to reduce reproduction.

Be aware of the symptoms of dengue such as high fever, severe headache, etc., and seek medical attention promptly if you or anyone in your family is infected.

Stay informed about local health advisories and dengue outbreaks in your area.


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