
This Old House Hack Might Be Your Best Answer to Porch Pirates

Porch hackers, with their thefts of recently delivered packages, have become the perpetrators of one of the most annoying types of property crimes. A 2024 survey by found that 17% of us have had a package stolen in the last three months alone. And a total of 44% of respondents said they’d had a package stolen at some point. Those numbers can be even worse in suburban areas, where porch hacking is most common.

We have some porch guards for the home, including video doorbells with a handy AI detection package. But here we run into a problem: many porch hackers don’t notice or don’t care about video doorbells, and these smart alerts will only help you if you’re home to take action at the time.

But there is another answer, a very, very old delivery protection technique called “boxing.” Bear with me! These delivery safes are specifically designed to handle packages, boxes, and other larger items mailed through the mail. They’re easy to install and use, and if you’re struggling with porch pirates, they might be just the answer you need. Let’s review your questions.

A woman wearing a purple sweater picks up a package from the bottom of a white Felikuke delivery box.

Delivery boxes have a few built-in tricks to defeat porch pirates.


What exactly is a parcel safe or delivery box?

A parcel locker is a dedicated, trash-sized box that sits near your front door. They have receptacles for depositing and storing larger packages that wouldn’t fit into the locked compartments of traditional mailboxes. They come in many different designs and colors and can easily blend in with your porch’s palette. Delivery people secure packages in the box when no one is home to pick them up, and they remain safe for later retrieval.

These types of delivery boxes have been used for centuries in areas without U.S. mailboxes, in apartments where doors are close to busy streets, or in areas where wind and rain easily damage packages. They now offer one of the best ways to stop frequent porch pirates.

Can’t the porch pirates just open the box?

Not usually. These delivery boxes usually have a tray or drop section where people place the package, which goes down into a larger compartment secured with a lock. This makes it very difficult for porch pirates to reach and retrieve a package. Other boxes can lock entirely with a keypad, so owners can give codes to a delivery person. Some even connect to phone Bluetooth and apps for more control. And if porch pirates can’t see a visible package, they’re much less likely to attempt a quick theft anyway.

A man inspects a package retrieved from a Keter delivery box while a woman sits and watches. A man inspects a package from a Keter delivery box while a woman sits and watches.

Delivery boxes are available in many designs to fit a variety of homes and porches.

How much does one of these boxes cost?

Most high-quality safes cost between $200 and $300. You’ll have to pay a little more if you want smart features or keypads, but they’re still under $400 in most cases.

Where can I order a delivery box like this?

You can find parcel delivery boxes at brands like Adoorn And Keter’s user-friendly options. Merapi offers particularly durable versions designed to fit inside a wall, while Loxx Boxx has the smartest delivery boxes we have found.

A black Adoorn delivery box next to a garage and courtyard gate with shrubs. A black Adoorn delivery box next to a garage and a courtyard gate with shrubs.

Delivery boxes can be simple, but they can also come with advanced smart features.


Can I use a parcel delivery box for groceries?

Absolutely. Some more advanced boxes even have refrigerated compartments specifically for groceries (although this is rare for consumer boxes), so you don’t have to worry about getting the goods delivered while you’re away. This is an even more important feature now that ordering groceries online has become increasingly popular.

Where should I put a delivery box like this?

Right next to your door or where packages are usually dropped off is the best place. If delivery people tend to leave packages at the edge of your porch, you may want to drop them off near your porch steps. Brands like Keter are particularly good at box designs that can match your home’s siding, but all brands offer a range of colors so you can find something that matches your home (or just looks intimidating).

A brown Keter delivery box against a bush and a stone house in the yard. A brown Keter delivery box against a bush and a stone house in the yard.

If your neighborhood has a lot of problems with porch pirates, investing in a package safe might be worth it.


Can I just create my own parcel safe?

You can do this, which allows you to make a more decorative box, but it is a lot of work. You will need weather-resistant materials and a design that is not easily accessible to determined porch pirates, as well as a padlock or basic locking mechanism. This can be a DIY project for those who are comfortable with woodworking.

Are there any disadvantages?

Yes, there is one notable downside to these protected delivery boxes: delivery people have to use them first. Some people set up these parcel boxes and then get frustrated when their delivery people completely ignore the box and leave the packages by the door like always. In these cases, a sign on the box like “PACKAGE HERE” can be helpful.

For more information on preventing home burglary, check out our home security cheat sheet and guide to deterring burglars before they try anything, and check out the best options for cheap outdoor cameras and video doorbells.

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