
This is what happens to the human body when you don’t have sex or masturbate for months

Legal-aged Gen Z are having less sex than any generation in history – and experts warn it could lead to a shrinking of their genitals.

Sex and relationships expert Dr Tara Suwinyattichaiporn told that sexually inactive men may suffer from a very rare condition called penile atrophy, in which the penile tissue may become less elastic, leading to a shrinkage of one to two centimeters.

She also says that going a month or more without having sex can cause both men and women to experience increased stress levels due to issues with sexual frustration, anxiety, depression and anger.

This can cause other psychological impacts and make people more prone to infidelity.

Abstaining from sex can lead to temporary and long-term problems, ranging from developing anxiety and anger problems to serious health problems and relationship problems.

Despite the positive attachment to sex, a 2021 study by the University of California found that 38% of young people aged 18 to 30 reported having no sexual partners in the previous year.

Experts have warned that not having sex for weeks, months or years can have detrimental effects on the human body.

Most people crave affection, contact, and sex from others. Without it, your mental health could deteriorate, causing anxiety, depression and increased stress levels, Suwinyattichaiporn said.

She explained that every person is different and depending on the person’s overall mental health, the most extreme symptoms can develop within six months or take up to five years.

Sex releases feel-good hormones like oxytocin – also known as the “love hormone”, dopamine and serotonin which regulate your emotions and improve your mood.

Dopamine is a chemical that the brain releases to give you pleasure, but if your body doesn’t produce enough of it, you can develop insecurities and lose your self-esteem.

Couples who stop having sex might develop marital problems like dissatisfaction in the relationship which can lead to resentment, sexual infidelity and divorce.

Couples who stop having sex might develop marital problems like dissatisfaction in the relationship which can lead to resentment, sexual infidelity and divorce.

A 2021 study suggested that people with unmet sexual needs may develop frustration that can lead to an increase in aggressive behavior.

This frustration may stem from unsatisfied sexual desire, lack of an available partner, or participation in unsatisfying sexual activities which can lead to increased irritability and mood swings.

This has led to increased “risks of aggression, violence and crime associated with the search for relief, power, revenge and displaced frustration,” the study says.

If couples are experiencing sexual drought in their relationship, “they don’t approach their partner with gentleness, vulnerability and demands for compromise,” sexologist Sari Cooper told

“They also lack the technique to repair conflicts and blame each other, pursue the other with continuous criticism, or elicit a guilty response in order to satisfy their needs.”

Going through a “dry spell” is normal, Cooper added, but going too long without sex can cause major problems with your partner.

“Sometimes one partner may ask to open up the relationship so they can have their needs met ethically, and other partners may simply engage in outward sexual infidelity to meet their needs,” Cooper explained.

A 2021 California Health Interview Survey found that the number of young people abstaining from sex reached an all-time high, with 38% of people aged 18 to 30 reporting they had no sexual partners over the past year.

That’s compared to 22 percent of people who reported not having had sex in a year compared to a decade earlier, the LA Times reported.

Suwinyattichaiporn warned that more extreme symptoms can occur with sexual withdrawal, including penile and vaginal atrophy, pain during sex, but added a warning that it could be up to five years without sex .

Men are at higher risk of developing medical problems like penile atrophy and prostate cancer if they abstain from sex for long periods of time.

Researchers believe that carcinogens build up in the prostate over time, increasing the risk of cancer, but studies have shown that ejaculation can prevent this because it removes harmful chemicals that build up in sperm, according to the Urology Care Foundation.

Suwinyattichaiporn’s warning that an inactive sex life can cause penile atrophy was echoed by Tobias Kohler and assistant professor of urology at Southern Illinois University School of Medicine, who told WebMD that without regular erections, the penis will become elastic and shrink.

The science behind how long it takes for penile atrophy to develop still appears to be up for debate.

A 2016 study found that men who ejaculated at least 21 times per month had a lower risk of developing prostate cancer than those who ejaculated only four to seven times per month.

Likewise, wWhen a woman goes without sex for months, it can cause vaginal atrophy, making sex uncomfortable and sometimes painful.

Sexual activity increases blood flow, lubrication and elasticity of vaginal tissues, but without it, a woman may develop vaginal atrophy – when the tissues become thin and dry – which can shorten the vaginal canal, making penetration more difficult.

Cooper advised people going through a long sexual lull to first address their stress levels, because it affects your ability to notice if “someone is poking our neurotic nerve endings.”

“People who are stressed don’t have the ability to enjoy sex,” Suwinyattichaiporn added.

People can use methods to relax, such as practicing yoga or tai chi, meditating, and planning regular date nights with your partner.

Cooper also suggested thinking about what triggered your “erotic desires” in the past — which don’t always have to be physical.

“For example, someone might be very sound-oriented and if they’re relaxed, they might get really excited when they listen to or dance to a type of music,” Cooper said.

For couples who feel stuck in a sexless relationship and can’t communicate, Cooper recommended they seek out a certified sex therapist to help them “overcome these obstacles with professional advice.”

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