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They say don’t leave valuables in parked cars in San Francisco. Rep. Adam Schiff Didn’t Listen

LOS ANGELES (AP) — San Francisco has gained an unfortunate national reputation for car burglaries that U.S. Rep. Adam Schiff This was brought home the hard way: The Democratic congressman had his luggage stolen from his car while it was parked in a downtown garage.

Without his formal wear, Schiff found himself at a fundraising dinner for his U.S. Senate campaign on Thursday, dressed as if he were heading to a Los Angeles Dodgers game — complete with shirtsleeves and a vest insulating. Others who attended the event were mostly dressed in suit jackets and ties.

Schiff’s campaign confirmed the burglary and declined further comment, citing an ongoing investigation.

“Yes, they took my luggage,” the congressman lamented to the San Francisco Chronicle, adding that he did not want to dwell on his direct experience as a crime victim.

Statistically, reported burglaries are down in San Francisco, but vehicles with broken windows and shards of broken glass remain commonplace in the city. Visitors and residents are constantly reminded to remove valuables from parked cars.

It was advice Schiff did not follow.

In August, the city’s police chief announced a crackdown on car break-ins. San Francisco police reported nearly 900 break-ins in February, up from 1,850 in July. There were more than 3,000 thefts reported in September 2022.

Schiff, a former federal prosecutor, gained national prominence as the lead prosecutor in President Donald Trump’s first impeachment trial. Schiff says on his campaign website that he is “committed to reforming our broken criminal justice system and keeping California families and communities safe.”

Schiff was the target of much mockery on social media following this crime: “The Democrats have no one to blame but themselves,” wrote one user on the social platform X.

The burglary involving a prominent member of Congress is reminiscent of the July 2021 robbery and assault of former U.S. Sen. Barbara Boxer in Oakland, another San Francisco Bay Area city struggling with crime rates. She was pushed by an attacker and had her cell phone stolen, but was not seriously injured.


Blood was reported in Los Angeles. Associated Press writer Janie Har in San Francisco contributed.


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