
These are the best beauty products of 2024

Letter from the editor

Welcome to InStyle’s best beauty buys! This is my first as InStyle’s beauty director and, having grown up devouring its pages, I couldn’t be more thrilled to launch the 29th consecutive edition of these iconic awards.

Beauty is inextricably linked to the way we move through the world. It’s powerful to celebrate the bold lipstick, transformative hair tool, or deeply nourishing serum that serves as our quick fix to feeling like ourselves.

But there’s no way around it: navigating today’s labyrinthine beauty landscape, in which there are more products, brands, experts and influencers than ever before previously, is not an easy task. So, for this year’s edition, we’ve tapped some of the most famous and in-demand authorities across categories to get their take and help us narrow down the 100 best products your hard-earned money can buy. buy.

This process has been a labor of love for the InStylebeauty team, and it’s been extremely rewarding to recognize products that have both stood the test of time And embody the progress the industry has made in inclusiveness, cutting-edge innovation and results shouted from the rooftops.

We came, we sampled, we conquered.

—Lauren Valenti, beauty director


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