The spacious property located in the Lasata Court of Danville block was sold on February 13, 2025 for $ 2,400,000, or $ 759 per square foot. The house, built in 1996, has an interior space of 3,163 square feet. This is a two -story house. The property is equipped with 219 heating and 103 cooling. In addition, the house is equipped with an undeveloped type. The size of the batch of the property measures 9,975 square feet.
These nearby houses have also recently changed hands:
- On Lasata Court, Danville, in October 2022, a house of 3,674 square feet was sold $ 2,250,000, one price per square foot of $ 612. The house has 5 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms.
- In October 2024, a house of 3,087 square feet on Cross Bridge Place in Danville sold $ 1,900,000, a price per square foot of $ 615. The house has 5 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms.
- A house of 3,548 square feet on the first block of Rockhaven Lane in Danville sold in July 2022, for $ 2,520,000, a price per square foot of $ 710. The house has 5 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms.
This article was generated by the Bay Area Home Report Bot, software that analyzes sales of houses or other data and creates an article based on a model created by humans. Our real estate data comes from public archives that have been recorded and digitized by local county offices. You can report errors or bugs at
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